Saturday, September 21, 2024
10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in Early years
Food Nutrition Health Parenting

10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in Early years

Eating a well balanced nutritional diet leads to healthy living. The eating habits in the early years give healthy nutritional approach towards life and physical activity. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in the Early Years.

10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in Early years

As some of us pampered a lot our kids and ignore fulfill their demand to eat what they want as we can’t see them crying. This lay the foundation of unhealthy eating practices which indirectly lead to child obesity or overweight.

Therefore it becomes the responsibility of us as parents to encourage healthy eating habits from early years. It’s observed that eating habits that acquired during childhood continue with them to adulthood.

1. Babies whose stomach are full usually turn away from bottles. So don’t force them to feed them more instead quit there only.

2. Allow kids to realize their taste buds activation and feed them when they feel hungry.

3. Don’t force the kids to clean the whole plate. Ask them to take in small portions, and they can take more after finishing off. If they are done, don’t force them to clean the plate.

4. Though you must be busy with your work, don’t ignore the eating habits of your kids. Ask them to prefer veggies and fruits, healthy snacks and avoid junk or fast food.

5. Feed your child with home-cooked healthy fresh diet and don’t put your child on fast food trend, avoid junk food as much as possible.

10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in Early years


6. Ask your child to sit properly and don’t eat in a hurry. Tell them how chewing food is good for their health. Give examples of their superheroes and motivate them.

7. Avoid food high in fat and low in carbohydrates as this can cause overeating. Soft drinks are also rich in calories and increase glucose intake.

Read the packet carefully about the measurable dose for a kid.

Teach your child that in a day how much they can drink or eat as per their body weight. Reduce intake of Processed food, soft drinks, sweets like candies, pastries, chocolates.

8. Instead, promote healthy eating and offer them homemade healthy drinks like banana smoothies, strawberry shakes, protein shakes, chocolate oats etc.

Don’t over-restrict your kid if they are following a healthy diet. Give them a treat at regular intervals like two times a month, that won’t do them any harm.

9. Don’t reward them for bad food in return for any work like studies etc. this may mislead them. Instead, find new solutions for this. Encourage your children’s to drink an adequate amount of water.

This will keep them hydrated. Talk about food and its types and health benefits. This will motivate them a lot. You can play games with them.

10. Encourage them to be active by asking them to do their work on their own. And allow them for outdoor games. Don’t allow them to watch tv, games while eating.

Tell them that they can do it after finishing lunch. Teach them to be emotionally and mentally strong. And look after their lifestyle. As depression can lead to overweight and obesity.

These are 10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in the Early Years. Following which we can promote healthy eating habits in the early years. It’s seen that Children who are healthy are active, confidence, socially active.

Disclaimer:   Any facts used in this post are purely meant for education purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. 

Image source

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

40 thoughts on “10 ways to develop Healthy eating habits in Early years

  1. its a nice list of tips
    also it is very important that you dont let your child eat food from outside

  2. I am long past this stage- for myself, for my kids, and even for my grandkids. I can only say that in my house, eating quickly was the norm- and the requirement. Or, the plate would be gone before you ate your fill.

  3. Actually, while this list is good for the Early Years, it is good advice for ANY age! It gets too easy to grab processed food with little nutrition in it.

    I would add that #6 is also close to Mindful eating. And while a toddler may not grasp that concept, teaching it at an early age can only be beneficial.


  4. These was wonderful tips and ones not only children can benefit from but also adults. As I try and turn the TV off when I am eating otherwise I get lost in it and seem to overeat. Have a Blessed day.

  5. Great list of tips! I remember way back 48 years ago when my oldest daughter was small, I would make all her food and never had any problems with her eating….except when she was about 3 years old, she hated peas and when I would tell her she needed to eat only 3 peas, my grandmother who lived with us, started crying saying don’t make her eat them if she doesn’t want to. To this day, she won’t eat peas! LOL

  6. unlike other mothers( no offense – this is my personal way of dealing with my kids)I don’t force my kids on meals till they are actually hungry.. that way my kids have started eating better and finish their meals, which used to remain untouched when I went all crazy “EAT YOUR FOOD” mommy 😀

  7. Very true and glad you have done this article. We were having a discussion at home about healthy eating habits and we all think k it’s built at a tender age when kids start eating. I always I fused healthy eating to my son though he is not extremely chubby, but Mashallah healthy and that’s what matters

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