Wednesday, May 08, 2024
Important Rules To Eat Well During Pregnancy
Health Pregnancy Guide

Important Rules To Eat Well During Pregnancy

Most pregnant women need to increase the proteins they consume, as well as certain vitamins such as folic acid and minerals such as iron. Most of them miss important Rules To Eat Well During Pregnancy. They also need to eat some extra calories to have more energy. If you think you are not eating well, now is the time to make sure that your diet is more nutritious and balanced.

Important Rules To Eat Well During Pregnancy

It is highly recommended that you limit junk food because it contains many calories, but few of the vitamins and minerals your baby needs. However, eating better does not mean eating more or much more. The belief that during pregnancy you have to eat for two was discarded long ago.

If you have an adequate weight at the beginning of your pregnancy, you will not need extra calories during the first trimester. During the second trimester, your baby only needs you to add 340 more calories per day (and 300 calories are not large amounts of food, for example, one juice, one tortilla, and some rice are already full) and about 450 additional calories per day during the third quarter.

Whether you are normal build up, overweight or underweight. You don’t have to depend on above-discussed calories. Discuss with your doctor about it. Here are some suggestions to keep you well nourished during pregnancy:

Avoid unsafe food:

You will have to avoid certain foods during pregnancy because they could be dangerous. Do not consume the following:

  • Milk that is not pasteurized (and cheeses made with unpasteurized milk).
  • Soft cheeses (like brie or camembert).
  • The fresh cheese (white cheese, panela, leaf, and asadero).
  • Meat or poultry raw or undercooked.

All these foods may contain bacteria that can affect your baby! Be aware…

Say no to alcohol:

You’ll have to give up the cocktails now that you’re pregnant. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have serious consequences for the baby’s health, including physical defects, learning problems and emotional problems later on. Therefore, many doctors recommend abstaining from alcohol throughout pregnancy.

Limit caffeine:

Caffeine is also something that you have to be prudent about. If you like coffee a lot, try to take just a couple of cups a day. Make sure it is not too loaded or decaffeinated. Try not to exceed 200 milligrams (0.2 grams) of caffeine per day (equals more or less than 1 and a half cups of coffee).

Some studies suggest that women who consume more than that amount are more likely to have a miscarriage or a low birth weight baby, but this is not confirmed. And remember that caffeine is not only in coffee. It is also in tea, sodas, chocolate and some Latin beverages such as mate and guarana. You can buy many of these drinks without caffeine. Better yet, you can replace these products with healthy foods such as skim milk, natural fruit juice or water with a few drops of lemon.

Do not exaggerate with fish:

Virtually all fish contain some amount of methylmercury, a metal that can be very dangerous in large quantities because it can affect the brain development of the fetus and young children.
The US Food and Drug Administration recommends limiting consumption of tuna and other fish to about 300 grams (plus or minus 12 ounces) per week, which is the equivalent of about two servings.

Take your Prenatal Vitamins:

Even if there were no nausea or rejection of certain foods, it would be difficult for a future mother to obtain all the necessary nutrients through a balanced diet. To ensure that both you and your baby receive all the nutrients they need, you should take prenatal supplements of vitamins and minerals.

Make sure the vitamins you are taking contain folic acid. You will need 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day before becoming pregnant and early in pregnancy. (Some groups, like the National Institutes of Health of the United States, suggest that once you discover that you are pregnant, increase your daily intake of folic acid to a minimum of 600 mcg).

Hope these Rules To Eat Well During Pregnancy will act as a handy guide. To get more info about recommended diets during pregnancy you can get it from Feras Antoon. He is a successful entrepreneur who contributes his thoughts on social topics.

Disclosure: Sponsored*. The views shared are solely Author only. 

DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

15 thoughts on “Important Rules To Eat Well During Pregnancy

  1. Eating well during pregnancy is very important especially during the end days because that is the time when the baby grows in weight and muscles are build. i would like to add protein intake as my daughter had suggested loads of pulses, daal and also i had lot of coconut water.

  2. I really followed a good food routine when I was pregnant – no raw egg, no coffee, no alcohol I even skipped poultry chicken and instead had country chicken. Very helpful guide.

  3. Usually we followed the traditional home cooked “grandma” recommended food during my wife’s pregnancy. But everyone is not lucky to have such support around. That is when such an important post comes to the help. I will share it with all my friends at Bangalore.

  4. Perfectly written about limiting fish due to metal poisoning risk especially in the first trimester. Multivitamins including folic acid is key.

  5. This is an important article to read. Often during first pregnancies women are not clear so as to what to eat and how much to exercise?

  6. Always knew eating well is a must in pregnancy but here i got to know a lot more beneficial information.

  7. Great blog update which many pregnant ladies will benefit from reading. Hope more folks refer this article.

  8. Great tips, alcohol and caffeine is a big no during the path to motherhood. I’m sure it’ll help so many to be mums

  9. I took folic acid supplements along with Pregnacare multivitamins during my pregnancy but food is most important. Eating well makes such a difference.

    IG: @ms_tantrum

  10. This was a really helpful post! I didn’t know we should not eat much fish and about so many requirements! Thanks for sharing this!

  11. You have shared some amazing tips here! Didn’t know fish needs to be kept in check and about so many deficiencies!

  12. Completely my thoughts. I followed these things during my pregnancy too. But sometimes, I coudnt resist eating golgapppas .

  13. i really like the fact that you stressed on unpasteurized milk. People do not realize the hazards associated with it. lovely read!

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