Saturday, September 21, 2024
Top 5 Secret Healthy lifestyle Plan For The Bride
Beauty Health Health Tips Lifestyle

Top 5 Secret Healthy lifestyle Plan For The Bride #BlogchatterA2Z

Every girl dream to become a Bride one day. She has numerous plans for the big day. A wedding brings lots of enthusiasm, nervousness, responsibility and unique charm for the new life. 

The thing that bothers you is how to prepare ourselves for the big day? How to maintain our health – physically, mentally and spiritually. We have already discussed Pre-wedding Healthy Lifestyle Tips for the Bride to be

We are here to sort all your myths, confusions about safety and healthy wedding tips related to marriage affairs. If you’re a bride to be or you know someone who’s planning for her marriage, please feel free to recommends our Pre-wedding tips.

Top 5 Secret Healthy lifestyle Plan For The Bride

Follow the Top 5 Secret Healthy lifestyle Plan and Say, “I do” to your health.

1) Style with care:

You must have set beauty plans for a wedding like trying hair treatment, skincare procedure, makeup procedures, etc. Allergies may happen with new or products.

Before trying any new hair dyes, makeup and cosmetics, and skincare products keep the following things in mind:

  • Always test a product on a small area first.
  • Follow all directions, cautions, and warnings on the label.
  • Stop using the product if problems like itching, redness, rashes develop.
  • Never dye eyebrows or eyelashes, as it might cause serious eye injuries.
  • Remove make-up before bedtime to prevent skin and eye irritation.

2) Get a complete Health check-up:

Health Checkup helps you identified hidden problems and get them to cure before time. If you suffer from a health problem and hesitate to tell it, then you are doing wrong with you. You should take steps to manage it. It’s always recommended to keep an eye on your health while planning your wedding to stay fit and healthy. 

Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. Discuss sexually transmitted diseases, preconceptions care, pregnancy precautions etc. 

Are there any issues that are of concern that both of you need to discuss with your health care provider? Are there any issues that can potentially cause health problems if you decide to have children?

3) Build a healthy relationship.

Establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship is important before and during a marriage. 

You can experience a lot of benefits with a healthy marriage. A healthy relationship will gift you better health, financial stability, and longer life expectancy.

Analyze your relationship on the basis of giving questionnaire:

  • what realistic expectation did you have from your marriage will?
  • what will the role of your partner in your life?
  • Do you or your partner behavior may not appropriate to make it a healthy relationship? 
  • Have you or your partner verbally, emotionally, or physically abused the other? 
  • Are there things about your partner or relationship that make you uncomfortable? 

If all answers are positive, then you’re in a healthy relationship. If most of the answers are negative or in between, that interpret that your relationship is at risk. 

If you’re a victim of any kind of intimate violence, and if you need help. Talk to your parents, siblings, in-laws, doctor, counselor, or someone else you trust.

4) Do charity

Key tips for the bride to be is to start your life on a new note, why not take some true and honest blessings. I personally believe that if we spend 0.001%  of total spending at a wedding on NGO’s organization, asylums, like throwing a party for those little kids or donating money in old age home, will bring immense internal satisfaction to both of you. 

Your gesture will bring a smile on their face and they will shower you with blessings and true wishes for your marriage life. Do try this idea and let me know about it.

5) Be happy 

Last but not least be happy and love yourself. No matter what happens in the past, how much bitterness you have with someone blah blah, forget them all. Start your life at the new note and welcome the new breezes of life with an open heart.

These Top 5 Secret Healthy lifestyle Plan will transform you into an upgraded version. Do try these marriage tips and don’t forgot to share your experience with us. For any queries comment below.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

One thought on “Top 5 Secret Healthy lifestyle Plan For The Bride #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Thank you for sharing this…. You have made a great list. I am following from the beginning when i start my website. He inspired me a lot.
    Thank you

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