Sunday, April 28, 2024
Routine Tests During Pregnancy
Health Pregnancy Guide

Routine Tests During Pregnancy

Routine Investigation during the First trimester of pregnancy contributes to maternity care. The Test During Pregnancy especially those performed at initial stages of pregnancy, ensure a healthier pregnancy.

In this part of A to Z Guide to pregnancy, we will discuss appropriate testing in the First Trimester of pregnancy or any symptoms associated during that period. We’ll guide you through how the Test During Pregnancy are performed, what they interpret and Risk if any associated with them.

Routine Tests during pregnancy:

Standard investigations are recommended for a pregnant woman to rule out any risk if any and to ensure a healthy pregnancy.Let’s check out the important Routine Tests During Pregnancy.

1. Complete blood count Test (CBC)

It includes Haemoglobin, ABO, Rh grouping, VDRL are done, blood glucose in selected cases.

Routine Tests During Pregnancy

Interpretation: Low in Haemoglobin levels shows the iron requirement in a woman’s body. If your Rh factor is negative then your partner Rh factor should be checked.

If it’s same then no problem. If it’s opposite, Then you would advice post delivery.

How it’s done: Blood sample collection either at home or doctor’s clinic or labs on an empty stomach or as per advised.

when it’s done: On your first prenatal visit.

Risks: No risk when a sample is collected under hygienic conditions.

2. Urine test

It’s performed to check the presence of Protein, Sugar and Pus cells.

Routine Tests During Pregnancy

Interpretation: The presence of Glucose indicates the beginning of Gestational diabetes. It’s count as risky when it’s positive in the row for 3 times.

The presence of Protein can be a sign of preeclampsia and Hypertension. It’scount as risky when it’s positive in a row for 3 times.  Presence of Pus cells indicates Urinary tract infection(UTI)

How it’s done: It’s recommended to collect Sample of mid-stream Urine in the morning.

Risk: No risk when a sample is collected under hygienic conditions.

3. Test for Gestational diabetes

Routine Tests During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes can cause hypertension, increased chances of cesarean delivery and the indication to develop maternal diabetes later in life.

4. Serological test for

A) Rubella antibody

Due to unhygienic conditions, women are commonly present with rubella antibodies. A positive test effects baby growth and development indicates that the fetus is at risk.

B) Hepatitis B

Mothers who are HBeAg positive act as a carrier of hepatitis B to their fetus. Baby most likely to develop chronic liver diseases.

C) HIV screening

All pregnant women should be screened for HIV on a very first visit. And if it’s positive appropriate treatment should be given to reduce the risk of HIV being transmitted to their infant.


  • ncbi
  • pregnancybirthbaby
  • D.C Dutta textbook of obstetrics.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult the expert for any related information.



Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

12 thoughts on “Routine Tests During Pregnancy

  1. Testing and routine appointments are so important for both the mom and baby to be. Back in the dark ages when I had my children, they didn’t even had ultrasounds, now to see the 3 and 4D are amazing! To see my great grand babies when they were so tiny but definitely already “little people”. Love to see the changes through ultra sound before they are born.

    1. Yes Rubella is one of the common causes of missed abortion especially in India due to unhygienic surroundings 🙂

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