Wednesday, May 08, 2024
10 Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
Health Health Tips Heathcare

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera #MyFriendAlexa

The Aloe Vera has become every family favorite especially here in India. Here are 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera.

We Indians are inclined towards nature and locally available food items. Hence aloe Vera is our best friend because of its quintessential health benefits.

I have been using aloe Vera as a skin toner. Also in my hair pack. It keeps my skin and hair well moisturized.

Aloe Vera juice is absorbed from the thick, short-stemmed plant. It is thick translucent and slightly bitter in taste. 

You can consume it fresh as a whole. Or make juice or can use the one available in the market.

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

It has antioxidants known as polyphenols. Hence, it acts as a bacterial inhibitor. Therefore prevent infections.

The antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties of aloe vera. make it perfect for treating skin infections, healing wounds, sunburns. 

This water-dense plant prevents as well as treat dehydration. Whether you consume it or apply it to hair or skin it restores the moisture and nourishes it.

It helps skin to improve skin integrity, by slow down the aging process hence prevent wrinkles.

It can be used in various beauty hacks. For example like toner, moisturizer, makeup primer, sunburn soother. Above all for treating skin infection.

Since it keeps you hydrated it helps in detoxification and flushes out the toxins from the body.

As it’s rich in phytonutrients. Hence nourished and hydrates the liver. Therefore, taking aloe vera juice to keep your liver healthy.

Aloe vera juice increases the water content in your digestive system as well as normalize the gut bacteria. Hence helps in treating constipation. 

It is a powerhouse of nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition contains vitamin b, c, e, and folic acid. Furthermore, this is the only plant to provide vitamin b 12.

It provides relief in heartburn, by controlling the secretion of acids in the stomach.

Aloe Vera especially helps in reducing the production of plaque. As a result, prevents tooth decay. Also reduces bacterial infection that causes gum problems.

It helps to improve blood sugar levels.

Above all, It increases the production of red blood cells. Hence Improve the level of hemoglobin. Therefore help in treating anemia.

Recommended doses are 50-100 ml on empty stomach.

“I’m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa”

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent. And unbiased views of solely the blogger.
DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only. And not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult the expert for any related information.
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

27 thoughts on “10 Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera #MyFriendAlexa

  1. These days my daughter loving this plant and making best use of it. There are many ways we can use it. Recently I had a yummy cooked aloe too .

  2. Aloe Vera is a magical plant. I use aloevera gel on skin at night as it gives cooling effect and also cure many skin issues. #myfriendalexa

  3. Aloe verabis truly a power plant!
    I wasn’t aware of so many of it’s health benefits. This post has been an eye opener!

  4. Great information! I always wanted to use aloe vera but was not sure how much to use… Thanks for the info…

  5. I’ve had an Aloe Vera plant in my balcony just because it looks pretty and is easy to maintain 🙂 sound like I should start “using” it to reap more benefits!!

  6. Aloe vera (and coconut oil) are my go-to ingredients when it comes to skin and hair. Little did I know that aloe vera could be helpful in plaque reduction and tooth decay as well.

  7. I’m wondering how to consume Aloe Vera. My hubby made Tequila out of it but it tasted too strong. If you have any idea, please let me know. Thanks.

  8. Informative post , I was knowing about it’s benefits for skin care and hair care but was not knowing details of it’s health benefits. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wonderful content. I’ve used pure Aloe Vera gel for my hair as well as face. It indeed has a lot of benefits.

  10. Wasn’t aware of these benefits of Aloe vera, wife uses the branch of the plant at times, thanks for sharing!

  11. Amazing Aloe Vera is really a wonder plant.
    Thanks for sharing so much information about Aloe Vera.
    I had been using it on my face in gel form and its very soothing.

Love to hear from you :)

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