Saturday, May 18, 2024
15 Period mistakes Every Girl Should Avoid #CauseAChatter
Health Heathcare Social awareness

Top 15 Period mistakes Every Girl Should Avoid #CauseAChatter

Every year on 28, May world Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated. The date 28 denotes the average duration of the menstrual cycle.

Only 12% of women across the globe have access to sanitary products while the rest devoid of it.

Menstrual health is not a luxury, it’s a basic human right that every woman should have access to.

Every 2nd Patient that I come across don’t use sanitary pads. The condition is, even more, worsen in interiors.

We should equally make an effort to create awareness on menstrual hygiene by every means that we can.

There are many organisation who come forward in supporting this cause by building toilets, low-cost pads to women who previously did not have access to them.

Today we are discussing 15 Period mistakes Every Girl Should Avoid.

1. Not changing Sanitary pads frequently
This is one of the common period mistakes. Either lack of knowledge, laziness, or whatever reasons its’ most of the women wear sanitary pads for longer duration like 8-10 hrs. Not changing Sanitary pads frequently not only unhygienic but also can take a toll on your health.

It can lead to diseases like skin rashes, urinary tract infection, vaginal infection, etc. Try to change your pads, tampoons every 6 hours and in case of heavy flow every 3 or 4 hours.

2. Wear the right undergarments
f you wear a nylon or synthetic undergarments, can cause sweating, itching in intimate areas. Try to wear cotton or hosiery undergarments.

3. Taking medicine for Periods Pain
Period pain can occur either because of hormonal imbalance or other causes. You can take Tablet meftalspasm as per your doctor advised for period pains. It’s ok to take medicine for menstrual cramps and has not any side effects.

4. Washing your private parts
It’s important that you maintain personal hygiene during periods. Wash your private parts more often when you have periods. Wash off all blood properly is a must.

You can wash with warm water as using soap or vaginal wash can kill the good bacteria leads to infections.

Dos And Don'ts To Follow During Your Period

Always wash from the vagina to the anus and not the other way around. Washing in the opposite direction could lead to infections.

5. Eating healthy food to avoid mood swings
Most of the women stop eating food during periods, that make them weak and lead to mood swings like irritation loss of sleep anxiety. Try to eat healthy and light food to avoid this. Avoid having chilled food items can increase mood swings.

6. Using hot water bag for periods of pain
It’s seen that most of the women use hot water bags or bottles by keeping over the pubic region during periods of pain. You can use it to get comfort, but avoid excessive use of it.

7. Exercise During Periods
You can do light muscular exercise only if you are comfortable. If you are weak exercise can increase blood flow and pain.

8. Avoid Sexually Intercourse during the period
If you do sexual intercourse can increase the chances of transfer of sexually transmitted diseases. So try to avoid sexual intimacy during periods.

9. Choose the right sanitary pads during the menstrual cycle as per your need. There are many options available like extra-long, wings, night pads. Choose as per your flow to avoid any embarrassment.

10. Most of the women don’t wash your hair or have a bath during periods. Please don’t do this, a regular bath will make you clean, refreshing, and helps in reducing menstrual cramps and pain.

11. Another common period mistakes is Rashes during the period happen to most of us. It is either because you wear a sanitary pad for too long or your intimate parts are wet all the time or you have excessive sweating. To avoid this change pads frequently, stay dry as much as possible. Antiseptic cream can reduce the itching.

12. Wash your hands every time you visit the washroom in order to avoid any spread of infection.

13. Wear loose and comfortable clothes if possible cotton during periods. It will give you a breathable space.

14. Dispose of the sanitary napkin correctly by wrapping in newspaper and then in plastic bags to avoid any spread of infection.

15. Get sound sleep at least 8 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can elevate the pain.

I hope you guys are not doing these period mistakes. If so kindly stop to right away.

I’m writing this post for #CauseAChatter an initiative by Blogchatter for Blogging With A Purpose! You can join by this registration link 

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

14 thoughts on “Top 15 Period mistakes Every Girl Should Avoid #CauseAChatter

  1. I think most of these mistakes are made due to traditions in India. Hope more girls look at this post and realize that most of the traditions are either done wrongly or are of no use.

  2. Yes, even Inwas told not to wash my hair during periods. I wonder why? However its irrational hence I stopped that practice long time back

  3. Very well, aren’t these most common mistakes that women do, in fact there are tonnes of myths also attached to periods that make it extra troublesome for many. You have explained these tips so well.

  4. Very important tips and points mentioned. I have seen many people hesitate about taking medicine for period cramps and suffer the pain.

  5. Some very practical and important points here. Maintaining good personal hygiene and wearing comfortable clothing is crucial. Also pads must be changed very few hours.

  6. I have already watched your video on this topic. All the points are so true . specially I don’t prefer to do any kind of exercise during my periods.

  7. This was really really helpful. Thank you so much for sharing this and talking about it openly. I have saved it and shared it. I am sure this is going to be really helpful for many women out there.

  8. Those are some great pointers. I also personally believe in consulting a doctor in case of any problems. It’s always better.

  9. These are some vital tips/mistakes that every girl should know in regards to periods. Earlier I used to take medicine for ccramps but then I stopped when my gynaec advised the same.

  10. These are some very good pointers to remind oneself. Hygiene and eating right is so important in the periods, and I prefer going for walk instead of exercises.

  11. Detailed and a necessary post for all women. The pointers mentioned are very practical and essential to follow. I usually avoid painkillers for cramps and use hot water bag instead.

  12. Very significant post, a must read for all girls and yes doc I use meftalspas during the periods to get the pain in bearable limits

  13. Maintaining sanitary hygiene is very important during periods. You have shared all good tips and habits That should be followed during periods.

  14. Yes rashes are common specially during hot and humid weather. Also i never took medicine during periods and let them be in a natural way.

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