Thursday, May 09, 2024
Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine but haven't asked
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Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine but haven’t asked #IPromiseToStopFlu

Nowadays flu has taken severe forms. The high-grade fever is enough to break you down. Bad thing is that if not diagnosed on time it can be life-threatening.

Most of us confuse it with common infections like the common cold, hence it is left undiagnosed.

Influenza spreads through the air or by close contact with an infected person and occurs often at the time of change in weather.

In some parts of India, it occurs during monsoon season, while in Northern India in winters season and in rest parts of the country throughout the year.

Children of less than 5years of age are at more risk of getting flu. And sometimes for children, it can lead to complications like pneumonia, hospitalization, respiratory distress, or lead to death.

The prolonged infection leads to missed days at work or school. Every year thousands of people suffer from flu, some recover and some may not.

Because of its severity, it is recommended to prevent the flu by vaccination. The Influenza vaccine reduces the risk of flu and it’s related complications. It can prevent flu caused by all types of influenza virus type A&B.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends yearly vaccination for all people over the age of six months. (1)

This vaccine can be used in pregnant women. Hence, a child below 6 months, will get immunity from her mother who has got flu shot.

According to research, when pregnant women are given shot no complications are noticed during pregnancy. Also, it reduces the risk of hospitalization by an average of 40%.(2)

Since the virus changes its forms regularly, it’s necessary to get vaccinated yearly. This vaccine shot is advised to every individual.

If your child is taking medicine they can also go for vaccines unless they have very low immunity.

Even chronic illness patients like diabetes, blood malignancy, chronic lung disease, asthma, heart diseases, kidney disease are advised flu shots because of their weak immunity.

The vaccine’s effectiveness varies from person to person. It depends on the age factor and the health condition of an individual.

A flu vaccine reduces the severity of illnesses. It reduces the chances of hospitalization for the individual. (3)

It’s life-saving for most sufferers like children who are at most risk. It also reduces complications for chronic health conditions. (4)

If people are vaccinated, the chances of getting and spreading flu are highly reduced. And as responsible individuals getting yourself vaccinated reduces the risk of spreading this disease.

#IPromiseToStopFlu . And you?

Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine but haven't asked #IPromiseToStopFlu
References: (1)
Disclaimer & Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger/ third party. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information.
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

21 thoughts on “Everything you need to know about the flu vaccine but haven’t asked #IPromiseToStopFlu

  1. I never knew about these unknown facts especially pregnant ladies can take this vaccine too. I’m glad to read this before pregnancy and can take necessary precautions as I’m prone to cold and cough when in Pune and this information comes handy forever!

  2. I really feel it’s important to understand the symptoms and real facts about flu and to stop vaccination is really necessary!!

  3. Information about flu is important. Prevention is better and hence vaccination is the best option to keep us and our family safe.

  4. Influenza or Flu is quite prevalent in our country and certain preventive measures can surely heal it.

  5. Our doctor recommends taking annual flu shots for prevention. The vaccination forkids shouldn’t be neglected.

  6. That’s quite an informative post, we usually get confused with flu and normal cold. Vaccination is important against flu.

  7. Yes! Definitely, after getting the flu shots, chances of infection is surely reduced. And differentiation between the flu and common cold is not easy so taking preventive measure is a wiser decision.

  8. vaccines are the single best precaution against flu virus. My doc asked me to take the booster doses of the vaccine every year.

  9. We had attended this short vaccine seminar and I came to know that how important it is give flu shot and not only to kids but to everyone in the family every year

  10. This was a big dilemma for us too, whether to go for flu vaccination or not. Thankfully we took the right call. Better safe than sorry.

  11. Thanks for sharing about the flu vaccine ,It is so important to get vaccinated once a year.


  12. A very helpful article I think especially in the weather currently we all need to be very careful and take precautions.

  13. Flu shots provide an added layer of protection against deadly and dangerous flu. Very informative post, you have covered each and every aspect of it.

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