Friday, May 03, 2024
Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack in Hospital Bag
Health Pregnancy Guide

Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack in Hospital Bag #BlogchatterA2Z

The moment you have the good news of the pregnancy, you must have started planning for the coming ninth months. One of the most important planning that we forget or confused about is What to Pack in Hospital Bag?

Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack in Hospital Bag

I’ve attended hundreds of deliveries and I can say 1 out of 20 patients comes with all the things that’ll be needed during a hospital stay. Most of them either forgot the essentials or don’t know what are the things required. So I usually give them quick essential things to be used during labour and post-delivery. I’m sharing the hospital bag checklist that I promise will have everything that you need for yourself, your baby and partner.


Moms who undergo Normal vaginal delivery stay in the hospital for 1-2 days and one who undergoes C-section delivery stays in the hospital for 5-7 days. Pack your hospital bag keeping your stay period in mind. Also, your hospital what they provide for mother and cut off that thing from the hospital bag checklist. I recommend that moms should pack 2 bags. One for labor and another for the post-delivery period.

A) Labor Period Bag

  1. Your birth plan and insurance information (if you have one).
  2. All previous Hospital visits prescriptions, antenatal care card, tests or investigations report that you have for 9 months.
  3. Photo ID proof.
  4. Cell phone and charger
  5. Massage oil or lotion to be used to massage during your labour. I usually ask to bring mustard oil during labour.
  6. A muslin cloth(2-3) meters to use during labour and for wrapping baby (If your hospital is not providing)
  7. Dressing gown: A cotton, dark color dressing gown is must have in your bag. This’ll keep you comfortable during the labour period.
  8. Slip-on Slippers that are easy and comfortable during labour period.
  9. Old T-shirt, Night Top or Kurta to wear in labour.
  10. Eyeglasses (if you wear them)
  11. A warm cloth to keep you warm during labor.
  12. Headbands and/or ponytail holders  (avoid clips/cluture—they’ll not be comfortable)
  13. Lip balm As lips can dry out quickly during labour.
  14. Sugar-free candy or lozenges to keep your mouth moist during labor (candy with sugar will increase thirst)
  15. DSLR camera to capture the first moments of your baby in photos and a video or two.

B) Post Delivery Period Bag

  1. Going-home clothes: loose, comfortable clothes to wear during hospital stay (if the hospital is not providing) and for the journey back to home. The size should be six-month maternity sizes and cotton and light fabric clothes.
  2. Bathrobe, Cotton stole, Scarf to feel covered and warm while getting out of bed.
  3. Toiletries and personal items: Towel, Toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, hand wash, Hair oil, shampoo, body wash, moisturizing lotion, hand sanitizer, perfume, talcum powder, tissues (both wet and dry) etc. Pack these in a small bag as you will need them 24*7.
  4. Nursing bras: Bring two or three.
  5. Maternity pads: Bring a couple of packs.
  6. Nipple Cream: To protect your nipples from chapping and cracking.
  7. Postpartum or disposable underwear: You need big, cotton, breathable underwear.
  8. Things to help you relax- Books, Magzine, Tablet, iPad, iPod etc.
  9. Earphone to listen to music on phone and relax.
  10. Snacks and drinks: Some hospitals provide food according to diet nowadays and others don’t. If your hospital doesn’t be sure to bring some beverages like coconut, orange, pomegranate juice, and snacks to keep you nourished.


  1. A change of clothes: Having some extra pairs of clothes is good to have on hand.
  2. Comfortable shoes: Having comfy shoes are important.
  3. Toiletries and personal items: Towel, Toothbrush, toothpaste etc.
  4. Cell phone, charger, and earphone.
  5. Camera or video camera with batteries, laptop.
  6. Money/spare change: Having some change is helpful to get some snacks or drinks.


  1. Approved Infant car seat
  2. A coming-home outfit: Zero sizes, the cotton outfit will be suitable. Their outfit needs to be seasonally appropriate. Don’t forget a pair of vests, hat, socks or booties.
  3. Warm blankets or top sheet: Your baby may need a blanket or top sheet during the night to protect from cold.
  4. Nappies: Your newborn need as many as 12 in a day.
  5. Muslin squares or bibs for mopping up any milk.
  6. Baby productsBaby wipes, baby oil, baby shampoo, and baby lotion.

These are some of the essentials that you should pack in your hospital bag. I’ll keep updating this list from time to time. Hope you find this helpful. If you have any queries or suggestions are always welcome.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

12 thoughts on “Hospital Bag Checklist: What to Pack in Hospital Bag #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Sach me kitni useful information hai, hum kitna bhi rakh le, lakin kuch bhul bhi jaatey hain, lakin ek doctor ki di hui list hamesha complete hoti hai
    ?? Thanks for the post ??

  2. Very nice & detailed post for new parents or for people who are planning to welcome new member in their family. Its much required stuff that every one should know

  3. So many things one can skip the mind at such a crucial point of time.
    This one is a perfect guide for all the expecting moms.

  4. Wow.. and ideal checklist for any mom to be. I think this post will be a printable list to ensure u don’t miss anything during that crucial time. Well compiled.

  5. Such a comprehensive list. I completely agree with all the items listed. I also think packing for yourself personal items and toiletries and batteries or headphones and chargers are also important fgor post delivery stay at hospital.

  6. This is great piece of information for all new parents. I remember my anxiety while packing
    my bag and was worried on missing some thing important. I do have written a detailed post on this.

  7. I also prepared my hospital bag and had a similar checklist. My sister is pregnant now and i will be sharing your blog link with her so she can have a checklist ready too!

  8. When I was supposed to be hospitalised for delivery; I was very confused coz I did not havee such list handy…this wud be very helpful to my sister who is expecting soon

  9. That really sums up what we need in the hospital bag while birthing a baby . This would be so helpful for to be new mums and just need a print of this checklist.

  10. This is such an elaborate yet perfect post. I really wish if I could find something like this when I was pregnant!

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