Saturday, September 21, 2024
Glutathione For Skin Whitening: Myth or Truth?
Beauty Blog Posts Health Heathcare Lifestyle

Glutathione For Skin Whitening: Myth or Truth? #BlogchatterA2Z

We all want to have a flawless and whiter skin tone like Angelina Jolie and Kareena Kapoor. To achieve this we never fear to try different types of treatment. You must have tried numerous home remedies, facials, fairness cream, and skin treatments.

For some of you either of these treatments works and for some nothing works and you are standing from where you started. Skin treatment markets have accelerated with the demand for fair skin tone.

When someone come and ask me about skin whitening treatment I always asked them, “Why are you unhappy with your skin color?” The common reply is the taboo set up by the society has shackled us so tightly that, “Only white color girls are beautiful and people like them.” I wish that we all overcome this mindset and taboo someday.

Your skin tone is decided by the amount of melanin present in your skin. The higher the melanin the darker your skin tone will be. The various type of skin whitening reduces the melanin production and ultimately whitening your skin tone leaving it glowing and fresh looking.

One of the most popular used treatment is the Glutathione for skin whitening. It has gained a lot of attention for its proven skin benefits. But what is it and does it really works? let’s check out

Glutathione For Skin Whitening: Myth or Truth?

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and produces in the liver. With less to no side-effect, it becomes the most preferred skin whitening treatment. It’s available in three forms tropical, oral and IV administration.

According to the study done by the NCBI*, “The safety of topical and oral GSH seems to be good, but their efficacy remains questionable.” The study has been done on medical students for 60 days. It’s noticed that Glutathione pills reduce the melanin production by blocking the enzyme that triggers its production.

How Does Glutathione Works?

Glutathione contains amino acids that help to remove impurities and brighten skin complexion. It activated the enzymes that help in removing toxins from the skin.

Glutathione is available in the form of topical and oral supplements that are recommended by a dermatologist.

How Does Glutathione Help In Whitening Your Skin?

The given below pints help you understand the functioning of Glutathione

  1. It’s an antioxidant and helps fight free radicals that cause skin pigmentation, blemishes, and dark spots.
  2. It’s consumed in the form of pills to lighten skin tone. And show good results with regular use.
  3. The pills are also available along with a combination of skin-nourishing vitamins.
  4. Apart from this, one should take a healthy diet that includes fruits and veggies like asparagus, oranges, tomatoes, and avocados that will help in maintaining the level of glutathione in your body.
  5. It also fights freckles, age spots, acne, and scars.

How To choose the right Glutathione For Skin Whitening?

With the grown popularity different types of Glutathione pills. The question is to choose the right for effective results.

A Glutathione supplement known as SKIN LIGHTENING COMBO GLUTONE 1000 WITH ESCOR Z contains compounds such as Glutathione, N-Acetylcysteine & Vitamin C that helps in skin lightening and healthy aging.

Glutathione For Skin Whitening: Myth or Truth?

The Glutone 1000 contains anti-oxidant Glutathione helps to improve skin issues like skin lightening, reduces aging, wrinkles, dark spots, etc. Apart from this, boosts immunity, energy, detoxification.

Vitamin C present in EscorZ helps to improve the absorption of glutathione. It also contributes to collagen synthesis in the skin.

What to expect from this form of skin treatment?

No doubt this skin treatment works but results are not overnight. The pills take time to be effective and show the results. And after a couple of months, you can expect healthy and fair skin.


This skin lightening treatment can be used for different skin problems. Though these supplements may work for some but may not suit everyone especially if you are on other medications. It is advised that you must consult a dermatologist for the best results. They will advise the best treatment according to your skin.

While supplements may be appropriate for some people, they may not be safe for everyone, and they could interact with other medications a person is taking.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.
DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult the expert for any related information  
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

31 thoughts on “Glutathione For Skin Whitening: Myth or Truth? #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Mujhe kabhi jarurat mehsus nahi hui aur na hi main skin color ko le kar concern rehti hu to mujhe is treatment k barey me kuch bhi nahi, aaj first tume hi sun bhi rahi hu

    1. I never thought about skin lightening , but this article is very informative , I find all your posts very useful , thanks for this too

  2. Exactly my point – why is anyone unhappy with their skin colour or skin tone? Why do they want to lighten it? I am all about making skin healthy and more even instead of uneven skin tone but changing colour to make it lighter is not my cup of tea and our society should grow up and shouldn’t think only fair is beautiful in this modern age.

  3. I agree society has set this taboo that light colour people look better than dark ones. As long as things are not harmful to be taken internally and for topical application, I dont mind what companies sell. I just feel their marketing should not be catered towards lightening of skin tone. This may lower confidence of olive and dark skin people.

  4. Glutathione is taking the internet by storm. Everyone is going gaga over it. Heard that this is the most effective skin brightening supplements in the market. Doesn’t it have any side effects really?

  5. My mom also suffered from skin issues & opted for lightening treatment..these medicines & supplements take time to cure…and specially those should not be taken without doctor’s prescription…

  6. I am not very keen on skin whitening but it may help those who are looking for this solution. I prefer vitamin C serums and good diet for brightening up the skin. But it only makes it bright and more even. Have you tried vitamin C ?

  7. I wish a society can get rid of this mindset that only white skin is beautiful. Although for those who have to I need to get the skin whitening treatment I think this is the perfect solution with little or no side-effects .

  8. Good to know that Glutathione is an approved antioxidant. But this is very important that it might not have the same effect to all specially more when someone is under medications.

  9. This is a really honest post about Glutathone and skin whitening. The information that you have shared is really very useful and especially so for those looking for skin whitening. The fact that this works internally is a plus point.

  10. I have heard a lot about Glutathione for skin whitening. It’s a good option for people who are looking for skin whitening

  11. Good to see the way you have Glutathione being promoted nowadays I would anyday taking it for healthy skin

  12. This is interesting piece of information I have read today. Didn’t know about the Glutathione for skin whitening.

  13. Such a honest review, I really want to try it though just want to know who it react to my skin.r

  14. Glutathione is indeed the latest discovery for skin whitening and I use to hv it for healthy skin Always

  15. You have shared really an informative post and I will make sure that I give it a try as it is approved one !!

  16. I am not very sure about skin lightening products per se.But some people may need to make scars less prominent.Its always advisable to consult a specialist in all cases I feel.What do you think?

  17. This is really an informative post but I am not into skin whitening products. Going by your word this tablet looks great.

  18. This is a very helpful post. I have freckles and have never found a remedy for it. Will definitely check with my dermatologist and try this out.

  19. Glutathione seems to be a safe and a long term method for skin whitening. The best part is its convenience as it is through the oral pills .

  20. Your blog was an informed and informative one; i hv been facing blemish issues for a lông time and had no idea glutone can help with this; i will surely check with my Dermat and try this out.

  21. I personally who not prefer skin whitening products but I am sure this will be helpful to clear out marks and pigmentation

  22. I have never been a fan of skin whitening/lightening or changing colour of your skin. Having said that, I do like products that even out skin tone.

  23. I believe in having a healthy skin rather than the white colour ! But I am sure ppl who are obsessed with skin lightning, it’s a great option!

  24. Society all over the world has set such illogical beauty standards, it’s sad! But anyway, these pills definitely look effective and safe for those wanting lighter skin!

  25. Society all over the world has set such illogical beauty standards, it’s sad! But anyway, these pills definitely look effective and safe for those wanting lighter skin!

  26. Having supplements for skin is safe and beneficial as we miss intaking all the nutrients. This is an informative post with all the details.

  27. That’s something new to me, if someone feels they can be happier with a light skin tone or it could help them in any way, they should go for it. But that should not mean that only fair is the right skin tone.

  28. I have used this product myself and I can totally relate to your review. It’s a must try product for those who are looking for such solution.

Love to hear from you :)

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