Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pregnancy Digest – Part 3

Hope you have fun reading my Pregnancy DigestHere presenting the Pregnancy Digest to solve all your queries about Pregnancy. In this part of  Pregnancy Digest you will read about normal changes that takes place in woman’s body over the course of nine months of pregnancy.
Every pregnant women curious to know about the subjective body changes that occurs during pregnancy . This may vary from patient to patient. I am just summing up here an average changes that occur to normal pregnant women ( excluding any special cases )

The Subjective symptoms during the Second trimester ( 13-28 weeks or 4-6 months ) of pregnancy 

Subjective symptoms like nausea , vomiting and frequency of micturition usually subside while the Amenorrhea continues .
The new features that appears are :
  • Quickening ( or feeling of life called kick of baby as in Aamir Khan 3 idiots ) denotes the perception of active feral movements by the women . It is usually felt about the 18th week ( about 2 weeks earlier in multiparae)
  • Progressive enlargement of the lower abdomen by the growing uterus.
  • F.H.S. i.e. Fetal Heart Sound is the most conclusive clinical sign that appears during this trimester. It resembles to the tick of the watch under pillow . The rate varies from 110-160 per minute

The Subjective symptoms during the Last trimester ( 29-40 weeks or 7-9 month ) of pregnancy 

Amenorrhea persists
Progressive Enlargement of abdomen– this may produce some mechanical discomfort to the patient such as palpitation or dyspnoea
Lightening -A sense of relief of the pressure symptoms at 38 th week is obtained especially in primigravidae
Frequency of micturition reappears
Fetal movements are more pronounced
Disclaimer : this post is based on average research and indication purpose only . It’s highly recommend to concern your doctor before proceeding further .
These are some questions about having a baby. Read More here
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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