Friday, May 17, 2024
Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein
Blog Posts Parenting

Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein?

Everyone needs the essentials nutrients like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and fats. However, children need these nutrients in specific amounts to promote growth and development.

Every mother ensures that her child eats a balanced diet rich in essentials nutrients. One of the most important of that is protein and you always want to ensure that your fussy eater getting enough protein. Though kids love to eat protein-rich foods like pizza, cheese sandwiches, peanut butter etc. But this source is tastier than being healthy.

Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein?

Most parents know that protein is an important part of our diet to help in child growth and development. But we don’t know the right amount of protein a child needs and it’s various sources. Hence the question arises Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein?

Why Is Protein Needed For Kids?

Let’s learn the importance of protein for kids:

  1. A protein diet contributes to about 10-20% of calories.
  2. It’s needed for growth and development.
  3. It is needed to build and repair body tissues and cells.
  4. It contributes to a healthy immune system.
  5. It maintains the wellness of the skin, bones, hair, nails, and internal organs.
  6. It’s needed for many processes like fluid balance, enzyme production etc.

How Much Protein Does A Child Need?

According to the World Health Organization, Children ages 3-15 years needed 0.9g/kg/day. In later teens, boys need more protein because they are still green and weigh more than girls.

World Health Organization

Signs of Protein deficiency in kids

  1. Delayed Growth rate
  2. lower immunity
  3. Poor concentration
  4. Body ache
  5. Get retarded early, sluggish and fatigue.
  6. Slow wound healing
  7. Decrease muscle development

Protein-Rich Foods for Your Child

Protein requirements depend on the quality of protein your child eats. Animal proteins are complete protein as they contain all of the essential amino acids, are highly digestible. These include milk, eggs, and meats.

In addition, vegetarian alternatives like Soy, hemp seeds, and quinoa are also complete proteins. If your child only eats plant sources of protein, then it will add the right amounts of protein in your child’s diet.

However, the out of box children’s demand the lunch box is not so nutritional. It’s necessary that the food keeps your child full and energized while performing daily chores. Parents think that their kids don’t get enough protein as they are unknown to many different protein foods.

This is where a soy solution can help. It is available in various forms like Soy puffs, nutrition bars, cereals, meat substitutes, smoothies, and shakes. This is healthy and delicious at the same time. And your child will enjoy this healthy lean protein source.

The published studies, support the nutritional qualities and unique health benefits of Soy Protein. It’s the only widely available plant protein that supplies all essentials amino acids in the proper ratio, making it the complete high-quality protein comparable in quality to milk meat and eggs. Unlike other sources of protein, it takes lesser efforts for the body to digest Soy Bean’s proteins. For more information please visit DuPont.

Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein?

You can easily incorporate soy into children’s diets which will provide an excellent source of high quality, complete protein diet being low in fat.


Disclosure: The views shared are solely Author only.  
DISCLAIMER:  The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. The content is meant for educational purpose only. One should consult the expert for any related information. 
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

25 thoughts on “Is Your Child Getting Enough Protein?

  1. One of my sons likes egg so his protein is taken care of but the other one needs to be supplemented. Dupont seems convenient.

  2. Being a mother of a fussy eater I am always worried abt my baby getting enough of nutrients. I had hardly a clue abt protein diet. Will check with our ped and will surely visit Dupont.

  3. Protein is so important for children. It’s good to be reminded again for all the reasons. Sharing this with my sister in law who has just had a baby

  4. I have replace animal protein with soy protein , as more than enough for my daughter who hate eating red meat

  5. Its a big question even I am also not sure. Thanks for this post, you are the best one to share right infos. I think I should also introduce Soy protein to my kid’s diet. Will check it out their website for more details.

  6. Very true..protein rich diet is really important for growing kids..I give my son soy products but never tried this brand..would check this out too

  7. Thanks a lot dear for coming up with this post about protein related, this is much needed specially for me as I was looking a post which is related to protein. I will definitely try to add soy protein in my kids diet

  8. Good to know about Protein and whether we are getting it enough. Being a vegetarian I have made lost of check points to have complete nine essential AA in my diet.

  9. Intake of sufficient protein is quite important and I have started taking SOY protein in my diets. More so we need to understand the right combinations to fulfil the qualitative protein requisites.

  10. The only thing i am rest assured is the protein intake of my child. He loves chicken, boiled eggs, fish and matar paneer curry. Everyday he needs atleast 2 of these items in his meals. This is such a fabulous article for mums.

  11. Great Article Bushra. Can you also share some tips or blog post on foods that can help in gaining weight in a good healthy way? My son is very slim and its difficult to buy clothes for him. He is an active child and tall too but the only issue is getting right size clothes. If length is right then waist is too big or if waist is right then pants are short. He looks weak in comparison to other kids but health visitor says he is fine and just got slimming genes.

  12. I have always been protein deficient as I had rheumatoid as a kid and wasn’t allowed to eat any protein rich food and because I am a vegan! Soy protein is really good! Will try this brand!

  13. Protein is really important for both kids and us. Thanks for.such a detailed post. I shall make some dietary changes for my son now.

  14. It’s so important to know if your child is protein deficient and take the necessary measures to treat it. This was an insightful post.

  15. I hadn’t a clue that protein is such an essential factor in the development of kids and espl where to find it. Ofcrs protein is ompimport for the wear n tear but how v imp I was clueless….

  16. Great information in this post, I agree protein is one of the essential part of our diet and for kids it is very important for proper bone growth and funtioning . sometimes kids did not get enough protein and the brand is looking really promising to full filled protein requirements

  17. We gave to make sure that kids really get good prifepr in their diet and you have shared great information here

  18. Great post Bushra. It is so important to make sure that your child should get enough nutrients like proteins. I’m glad my child likes to eat chicken and fish on regular basis plus I have also enrolled him for school lunch where all kids are provided warm healthy lunch accordingly to dietary requirements and needs as per age.

  19. Proteins are essential for our health. It is building blocks of our body . That’s why growing kids need enough protein which leads healthy body and mind

  20. We should check it properly that our kids are getting enough protein or not. We can consult a pediatric to get a diet chart

  21. That’s a informative post about Proteins for kids. I agree Proteins are very important for kids growth and health.

  22. Even I feel my son is lacking protein cause he looks so weak and fragile. I think I should start soy protein.

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