Thursday, May 02, 2024
Health Health Tips Heathcare

What is a Pap smear test and do I need one?

A pap smear or “Papanicolaou” test is the sampling of the cells of cervix that screens for precancerous and cancerous changes of the cervix. These changes are caused by HPV or Human Papilloma Virus.⁣

Fact: Over 50% of women diagnosed with cervical cancer had never had pap smear.⁣

Important: A pap smear is Not done with every pelvic exam, so just because you had a pelvic exam due yo any reason does not mean you had a pap smear. ⁣
A pap smear is a specific test done during a pelvic exam with a speculum to visualise the cervix (which is the opening of the uterus) at your doctors office. If normal it is not done every year.⁣

Who should get a Pap Smear: ⁣
If healthy ⁣
1. Screening should start at 21 years of age regardless of sexual activity ⁣
2. If normal it is done every 3 years from age 21 to 29⁣
3. Women age 30 to 65 a pap smear should be done every 3 years or if the doctor chooses to do both pap and HPV testing they can be done every years if they are both normal. ⁣

Who does not need a Pap? ⁣
Swipe left to see.⁣

Why is screening done every 3 to 5 years? ⁣
Upto 80%of the population will carry HPV virus at some point,⁣
1. Most people will clear the virus before it causes any severe abnormalities of the cervix.⁣
2. Most mild cervical precancerous changes will resolve on their own without intervention. ⁣
3. Precancerous changes progress very slowly , it takes a long time to develop to cancer.⁣

More frequent screenings is NOT better. More screening leads to more unnecessary and invasive interventions and does not diagnose or prevent cancer any better.⁣

Have you got your Pap smear screening done?⁣
Leave it in comments.⁣

This is meant to be educational and not medical advice. Always talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.⁣

This post is written for the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. My theme is let’s debunk Common myths around women’s health.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.
DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information.
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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