Monday, May 13, 2024
Different Types of Vaginal discharge and what they mean?
Health Health Tips Heathcare

Different Types of Vaginal Discharges and what they mean?

Today we are talking about vaginal discharge. What is normal? What is abnormal? How do I find out what is abnormal? If the discharge I’m having is normal or not? What kinds of discharge are there? And what the hell this discharge do anyway?  Let’s jump right on there:

The first thing at the beginning of this post I want to say that vaginal discharge is completely normal. Everybody gets discharge. Everybody gets a certain amount of vaginal fluid that leaks out of their vagina. This is because this is how your vagina keeps itself clean. 

So basically your VAGINA is a queen who keeps herself clean on her own. But how? The vagina keeps itself cleans using this exact vaginal discharge.

So basically we have a nice healthy army of good bacteria inside our vagina. They fight off all the infections causing bad guys, fight off everything that should not be there.

Think of it kind of like this, when you clean your house you mop it. And after mopping you are not going to store that dirty mop water at home forever, are you? You through it. That’s exactly how our vagina works. 

Once it’s completely clean and it feels alright, it throws the mop water out and that mop water is your vaginal discharge.

That’s why everybody gets a little bit of discharge every now and then. Some people get it every single day. So, I hope that It is well established that vaginal discharge is completely normal.

A lot of time discharge can actually be a sign or symptom. Or something going a little bit wrong with your vagina.

How do you know then it is right and when it is wrong? Simply put Anytime your vaginal discharge presents with any other symptoms. The symptoms can be like:

  1. Itching
  2. Burning
  3. Funky discharge smell
  4. Excessive discharge
  5. No discharge at all

There are so many things that can be a symptom of something else along with your discharge. So your discharge is basically is a god’s gift to you. Because it gives you a very good insight into your health.

If there is anything off or suspicious with your discharge. You know that something is wrong. And you don’t have to repeatedly keep going for tests. Then how you will get to that your vagina is healthy or not?

Different Types of Vaginal discharge and what do they mean?

You are going to know by taking a look at your discharge. When is your vaginal discharge is abnormal? Let’s take a look at what type of vaginal discharge you have and when it’s abnormal?

1. Egg White Like Discharge:

The first thing about vaginal discharge is that can be an indication of something abnormal. The normal vaginal discharge is usually sticky. So if you put it between your fingers and you open and close your finger. Then it will be something like basically, you do with your egg whites or you used to do in a school with fevicol.

The best example which people use is that it looks like raw egg whites. It can become a little bit thicker in the middle of your cycle as well.

But usually, it ranges anywhere from light grey to colorless to creamy white. Any other color is a sign of something going wrong in there. What is the kind of things that can go wrong? let’s find out.

2. Red-colored Discharge:

If your discharge is red-colored discharge. This usually is an indication that your period is about to come.

There is a little bit of blood mix in your discharge but if you get suddenly red tint discharge in the middle of your cycle when your period is nowhere close or if you see blood in your discharge.

This is a cause for concern. It can indicate an injury somewhere down there and you would want to speak to your doctor about this. 

3. Brownish discharge:

After or right before your period you can get a brownish discharge.  this is because this is just the blood that is mixed with your discharge and it is brown because your vagina is an acidic environment.

Basically, if you put lemon juice on blood it going to become brown. So if a tiny amount of blood coming out it mixes with your vaginal discharge and becomes a brownish discharge.

This should happen only before and after your period and not in the middle. Again and if it is happening in the middle of your cycle then run to the doctor. 

3. Green, Yellow

Now let’s talk about other weird color discharge, that you can possibly have. The standard rule of thumb is if discharge that something looks weird like green or yellow, or blue in color. Then you need to go to the doctor.

Green and yellow discharge usually indicate a sexually transmitted infection.

STI’s is like chlamydia and gonorrhea can give you green or yellow color discharge. If you see this then run to the doctor. 

4. Curd like Discharge:

The other kind of discharge that you have to be careful of is if your discharge looks or smell like fruit. Like if your discharge looks like curd.

We usually call it curdy white discharge. It indicates a fungal infection. And it comes with itching.

And you would just want to sit and go err the entire day. If you see this then run to the doctor. It might be a fungal infection. 

5. Fishy or Metallic Smell

Aside from this, if your discharge smells like fish something like ammonia or metallic odor. It usually indicates the change of ph of your vagina.

If you see this then run to the doctor. This condition is known as bacterial vaginosis.

This simply means the healthy vaginal bacteria are dead and you got some bad bacteria that is growing in there. 

This post is written for the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. My theme is let’s debunk Common myths around women’s health.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.
DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information.
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

11 thoughts on “Different Types of Vaginal Discharges and what they mean?

  1. This is such an informative post. Most of us consider Vaginal discharge normal but we must keep a close watch on its color. I liked how your described it by addressing it as queen, bad guys, and mopping. I can use the same terminology while explaining it to my daughter as well.

  2. This is a less spoken about topic doc, glad you shared it at length with us, thank you so much. It is important to know this

  3. Interesting. I did not know this much about vaginal discharge so found this pretty informative. When I was pregnant with twins, I did keep a close eye on my discharge.

  4. So many times we feel not to talk about this, but it’s so important. I am glad you have shared this information in detail.

  5. I was unaware of all kinds of discharge mentioned here. Now I will be more watchful with the color and smell of the discharge.

  6. I never knew about these and ignored the change in discharge till it worsened.😭 I am sharing this post as much as possible.

  7. This is an important topic that women are a little hesitant about discussing in public. Thanks to you, many women would be benefitted

  8. Indeed we should pay attention to the vaginal discharge as it tells a lot about our internal health and infections if any. Use of panty liners helps quite a lot to stay dry and clean too.

  9. Very informative post. This is something that people shy to talk and discuss about or even refrain to visit a doctor. You have shared it in simple words to make it so much easy to understand.

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