Thursday, May 02, 2024
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Women Day- How Empowered Are Our Women

The woman is impeccable in every role they play. The selflessness of Mother Teresa, Determination of Rani of Jhansi, Charity of Lady Diana, Discovery of Marie Curie, Beauty of Marlin Monroe always makes us proud. The challenges that women have faced throughout history is unforgettable. The ways in which women struggle and steps have been taken towards woman empowerment to retain their existence makes us proud.

Mother, sisters, wives, girlfriends, and fiancees can do we stand anywhere without them? Women’s Day is all about celebrating this incredible woman and showing them how much we love, respect and value them. Each woman is Goddess in her own special way. This #womenday let’s celebrate the Modern Goddesses.

We celebrate women’s day 8th of March every year. Though it’s a great way to make them feel special. But why should women be celebrated on a single day? I believe to celebrate women every day. It should be a happy woman every day. Keep being strong as you can and sky should be limitless

Feminism refers to any ideology that seeks total equality in women’s rights. For me, Feminism stands for a Power that brings Equality, Respect, Support as a whole wheel of fortune. What women do & what we believe is wholeheartedly respect by society.

Sealing her lips, Works 24*7

She’s a blessing from heaven

Don’t ignore her Rights

knows how to fight

If she can feed

Definitely, knows to lead

Women have been stereotyped in numerous images since ages. There is a time, it’s believed If she’s a woman she should be covered, don’t raise voice, Restricted to house only. Then comes the time when eyes are raised for her education, late marriages, going out for work, As she does not deserve enough to walk with the society.

Then comes the time when she has been harassed for her outfits, blame for her fashions, extrovert, success & independence. Since centuries women have been cast in many images, though the letters are changed context is still the same.

I consider Feminism as a boon for a woman as it strengthens their roots & makes them what we called SuperWoman. Though women struggle a lot through her life from home to office, from Girl to woman, from wife to Mother. From moving from parents to the in-laws house.

And switching to a new name as a new identity post marriage. Working hard to make life easier for others, giving extra comfort from making delicious food to love of warmth and true wishes. There are impeccable qualities that will impress you.

From my platform All About The Woman blog, I’m sending out this message come join us & celebrate Feminism, celebrated womanhood, woman empowerment and Feel special.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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