Saturday, May 11, 2024
Health Pregnancy Guide

Tips to Stay Safe and healthy at work During Pregnancy

Every next woman is independent, working and confident. You must be working hard to be successful in your career. The day you know about your pregnancy you must be in two in two situations.

What yo do now? Should I quit my job or continue? How to balance between work and support my pregnancy.  

In this part of A to Z Guide to pregnancy, we will discuss some important Tips to Stay Safe and healthy at work During Pregnancy. 

Tips to Stay Safe and healthy at work During Pregnancy

You must be working hard at your 8 hourly jobs, but in between don’t ignore the 24*7 job of keeping your baby healthy and safe.

Keeping these points in mind, We are discussing some Quick measures of Staying Safe and healthy on the Job During Pregnancy.

And how to make the right choice that’ll be good for you and your baby health.

What Kind of Jobs Can be Risky During Pregnancy?

Since the woman is exploring their talents in various fields and so most of you are working in a different working environment from normal jobs. You may be working on the following task:

Factory or manufacturing jobs where you need to operate dangerous machinery.

Working in chemical factories that can lead you to exposure to harmful chemicals like lead, arsenic, excessive exposure to carbon dioxide.

Employed in a strenuous job where physical work like heavy lifting, standing on feet, physical exertion involved.

Job in the health care sector like Physician, nurses, lab technician where you get exposure to the virus, bacterias, chemicals in contact with patients, while performing medical procedures or lab test like X-rays etc.

Working where you deal with animals can expose you to infectious diseases.

What are the effects of these jobs on your and the baby’s health?

These kinds of Jobs can lead to various kind of effects and can be harmful to you and your baby. Some of you may prone to diseases or allergic condition.

This can also increase your risks of miscarriage, preterm delivery, Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and stillbirth.

What are the preventive measures to keep you and baby safe?

Indeed problems associated with a job can be easily avoided with proper safety measures and modifications of duties.

The first thing that I suggest to you is, If any of the above discuss task are part of your job description then you should talk with your doctor about it’s a risk in details.

Then if it’s harmful for your pregnancy period to inform your employer about this and ask for a transfer to the more safe department during your maternity period.

Take all safety measures while working like wearing gloves, protective mask, washing hands thoroughly etc.

What are the problems associated with a 9 to 5 desk job?

Apart from the above discuss jobs, many of us are employed in normal 9 to 5 desk task. And, working continuously sitting in the same position can lead to physical strains.

You may also have to work on computers for long hours. All these can cause neck stiffness, eyestrain, wrist tenderness, headaches, and backaches.

Since being pregnant you are already dealing with these conditions. Although they don’t cause any harm to your baby and you might get uncomfortable.

How to avoid these physical strains?

I know that You must be knowing some tips I’m discussing here. Point is that you must learn to follow them regularly. These Quick measures help you to Stay Safe and healthy at work During Pregnancy. 

Make your chair comfortable the way you feel like putting a cushion at the back etc.

Keep your feet up with the help of small stool. This will keep your legs free from swelling.

Take a break- At regular intervals standup and work around. This will allow blood circulation and you may not feel numbness, sensitivity in limbs. Stretch your neck, shoulder, limbs while sitting frequently.

While working on computers keep your hand lower than elbows and wrist straight, wear computer spectacles, use soft touch keyboards.

So Analyse your task on the basis above given points and do tell me about how are you Staying Safe and healthy on the Job During Pregnancy. 


  • niddk nih gov/health-information/weight-management/health-tips-pregnant-women
  • womenshealth gov/pregnancy/youre-pregnant-now-what/staying-healthy-and-safe
  • D.C Dutta textbook of obstetrics.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.

DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult the expert for any related information.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

23 thoughts on “Tips to Stay Safe and healthy at work During Pregnancy

  1. Useful and informative post? Sitting and working does result in multiple problems. I usually set an alarm every 30 mins to remind myself to move around or stretch even when I was not pregnant

  2. Really important and useful points. And yes the getting up and moving around if you have a desk job is a must for everyone and not just pregnant women. So many diseases caused by our sedentary lifestyle.

  3. Thanks for the helpful tips just when I needed them! 🙂
    It becomes very difficult with the 9-5 desk job. Taking breaks at regular intervals keeps me sane.

  4. Very helpful information for all the mommies to be, but especially first time mommies. We can’t be too careful when it comes to health and safety for the precious little bundle.

  5. I worked in a dental surgery when I was pregnant with our first baby – I stayed a long way away from the xray machine and any chemicals I thought might not be good for my growing baby.
    Leanne | cresting the hill

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