Saturday, September 21, 2024
How Saral Designs Made Menstruation Not Only More Hygienic But Also More Affordable For Rural India 
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How Saral Designs Made Menstruation Not Only More Hygienic But Also More Affordable For Rural India 

Menstruation is a natural process. However, it’s still considered as a taboo and less talked. The condition deteriorates as we move to the interiors.

Due to the Compulsive use of dirty clothes or ashes, the health of the women in rural India is at immense risk. Let’s have a look How Saral Designs Made Menstruation Not Only More Hygienic But Also More Affordable For Rural India 

Saral Designs not only providing affordable high-quality sanitary napkins but also create awareness about comfortable and safe hygiene methods amongst rural women.

To add to this, they develop the world’s first compact, modular and automatic machine named ‘SWACHH’. Here is how they did it.

What does menstruation mean in rural India?

Menstrual cycle is the natural phenomena occur in women. In India, the woman is considered impure and restrict to touch anything, assume to transfer contamination. But no one cares about the contamination of women health who can’t afford sanitary solutions. 

Yes, Many of us afford the sanitary pads and our lives, work, health are unaffected. But the situation changes for the poor women in the rural steeped in upholding the taboo and puts the health and well being at back foot.

Many health problems like leucorrhoea, burning micturition, loss of appetite, fever etc result from poor knowledge and improper practices of menstrual hygiene.

What are Saral designs is all about?

Saral Designs, an award-winning healthcare startup set up in Mumbai, manufacturing affordable high-quality sanitary napkins. Their motto is to access rural and promote safe menstruation hygiene practices.  

To provide every girl with high quality hygiene solutions, to help her embrace womanhood with dignity.

The Indian woman is still not accessible to basic products to manage their periods. With the help of technology, Saral designs want to make it work for those who need it the most.

It is a product-driven start-up with the motto to solve period related problems in the field of menstruation, hygiene, and sanitation.

Founded by young, enthusiastic and passionate IIT alumni who want to bring a difference in the lives of people through technology.

How are Saral Designs working towards transforming the menstrual lifestyle of rural women in India?

Menstruation is considered a social taboo in India. Saral designs are breaking these barriers by providing affordable sanitary pads. Their motto is to reach the remote areas and bring a change in menstruation methods.

Women are using clothes, ash etc during the periods. This lead to exposure to numerous infections. But the condition deteriorates when due lack of money they even can’t consult a doctor.

Suhani Mohan, Co-founder Saral Designs believes, that women from rural are struggling to find access to comfortable and safe hygiene methods due to lack of affordability. had developed a production unit

To deal with this, Saral Designs has developed the world’s first compact, modular and automatic machine named ‘SWACHH’ that enables them to manufacture sanitary pads that were hygienic yet low cost.

This machine produces 15,000 pads per day, reducing the cost of production. As a result, the overall price of sanitary pads is reduced as compared to that of a global brand within the same category.

The company achieved the feat of 1million+ sales of affordable sanitary napkin across various villages in India. The company has also received the National Entrepreneurship Award from the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship for this innovation.

Saral designs have also installed vending machines across 14 low-cost schools across villages in Maharashtra during its School intervention.

What kind of Pads is available at Saral Designs?

Active Ultra XL with wings – specially designed for long-lasting protection.

Product Specifications:

  • Extra Large size prevents leakage and provides long hours protection
  • Gel-based technology promotes better absorption
  • Perforated top layer ensures a soft, dry and comfortable experience

Tell us something about Suvidha – Sanitary napkin vending machine

SUVIDHA is a sanitary napkin vending machine that can be installed in toilets of schools, public toilets, factories, etc., providing safe and convenient access to sanitary napkins

Product Specifications:

  • Highly Compact
  • Input choices available (Coin / RFID operated)
  • Water Proof and Robust
  • Storage capacity = 25 , 40,50 pads

How to Make a Positive Contribution to this cause?

As an Individual, it’s our moral responsibility to take a step forward and help the needy ones in any possible form. You can also collect the donation and install the Suvidha – Sanitary napkin vending machine in the slums area or village schools.

This is how Saral Designs Made Menstruation Not Only More Hygienic But Also More Affordable For Rural India. Did you have done anything for your society or known someone working on social causes? Do share your experiences and results with us.

Disclosure & Disclaimer:   The views shared are my own. Any facts used in this post are purely meant for education purpose only and not to be substituted for professional advice.  There is no commercial use of the above content. 

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

60 thoughts on “How Saral Designs Made Menstruation Not Only More Hygienic But Also More Affordable For Rural India 

  1. #saraldesigns If not taken proper care it can lead to urine infestion & can cause lot of disease. It is better to take full care in order to avoid it. If proper care is not taken it will lead to Fungal disease.

    Way to promote is my putting an add on regional newspaper & distribution of sample Home to home

  2. #saraldesigns If not taken proper care it can lead to urine infestion & can cause lot of disease. It is better to take full care in order to avoid it. If proper care is not taken it will lead to Fungal disease.

    Way to promote is my putting an add on regional newspaper & distribution of sample Home to home

  3. You guys are doing a brilliant job by coming up with a low cost solution and by being vocal about the problems faced by women during menstruation, specially in rural India. Hygiene factor is of utmost importance, I hope Saral Designs is successful in accomplishing its goal! ?

  4. Highly admire the intiative. every woman has right to menstrual hygiene. If high quality sanitary pads are easily accessible and affordable, it would lead to women empowerment in rural areas.

  5. Wow such a path-breaking thought. Sanitary napkins vending machine at schools and college is a very good step not just in rural schools but also in cities.

  6. #saraldesigns A very good initiative done by you and highly appreciated you are providing low cost pads to rural areas and making them live happy life with proper hygenic products.If good quality of pads are not used then you may suffer from serious health issues so please buy saral designs healthy pads and make your life happy.

  7. Hygiene is very important as if not taken care leaf to many infection…and we can always share our knowledge to all without hesitation…so that people can be aware

  8. #Saraldesigns
    Menstural Hygiene is very important todays times of busy schedules. Now a days, scenario is quite different as women have to do a business work along with the Household It is necessary as if not properly taken care of, it can cause several infections .menstural hygiene can be promoted through distributing Samples in rural areas as in rural areas it is very important to make d women aware about sanitary pads.

  9. #SaralDesigns .its really a great initiative towards???women hygiene and I read the whole blog .I am born in Rajasthan but now I am leaving in Delhi .I can relate with everything you written here in my initial menstruation days I too faced the same situation because I feel shy to talk about it with my friends so I have to use cloth similar to all other women in my family and I can understand its not safe to use clothes cause it can cause various UTI and itching ,rashes too .kudos to you for such a great initiative. In rural areas its so hard even to feed whole family so they can’t afford pads and that’s why they use clothes and keep them using again and again after washing and making low cost sanitary napkins is a way helpful .thank you so much .#SaralDesigns

  10. #SaralDesigns Menstural Hygiene is very important as to avoid any sort of infection specially bacterial infection that can happens in case of lack of hygiene in those days , To promote Menstural Hygiene girls and women should be taught about it via classes , lady doctor’s , books with pictorial representation about hygiene , providing free samples of sanitary napkins etc , Basically by educating them about keeping hygiene during those days .

  11. #saraldesigns

    If menstrual hygiene is not given importance it will raise the risk of reproductive infections and affect our health issues. Motivation plays a very important role in hygiene practice. By giving a correct message of hygiene lot of girls will learn how to keep them safe from a negative outcome of being unhygienic.
    Way to promote is showcasing its importance on regional newspaper & on internet ????

  12. Women usually talk about skin care, hair care, health care and makeup but when it comes to intimate areas they avoid discussion over it, which is sad.Menstruation is the time when we, women get more prone to infections, including sexually transmitted diseases.
    Maintaining hygiene on those days is crucial important and which can’t be done by simple soap,water and Changing pads. We should opt for some good menstrual care hygiene and start using vaginal hygiene wash on daily routine.
    Now a days, women are very busy with their daily routine, they hardly get time to relax. This particularly affect them during their menstrual cycle and they feel drenched and discomfort. It’s their duty and responsibility to be cleaner, dry and flexible during their period. They need to protect themselves from excessive wetness.➡️we should use (one or more) sanitary pads.
    ➡️By changing them every 12 hours (more frequently if blood flow is more).
    ➡️By properly disposing the used pads, wrapped up and segregated.
    ➡️Keeping our body parts and hands clean before and after usage of sanitary pads is a must.
    ➡️Avoiding stressful traveling and maintaining a balanced diet are also important.
    I have read somewhere in India, 88% menstruating women do not use any sanitary products during their period and use alternatives such as pieces of rag, ash, sand and husk. This results in a drop of 31% in productivity levels of working women and almost one in every four adolescent girls in the country, quits school due to the lack of any sanitary facilities.
    Poor menstrual hygiene is rooted in years of unawareness, misinformation and taboos substantially increases the risk of reproductive tract infection among these women.
    ➡️I think the NGO and government should eliminating the recurring costs of buying sanitary pads and the use of unsafe alternatives and simultaneously improving the menstrual health practices employed by the women.
    ➡️There should be Menstrual Hygiene Awareness workshops especially in rural India.

    ➡️We can aware young girls in their school by organizing one such class once in a month.

    ➡️We can promote by media whether it’s social, TV or paper.

  13. #saraldesigns Nowadays women rich at the moon but still our rural womens has no sufficient information about the Menstruation and invite disease like urinal fungus and cancer. You done great job, that all woman’s saluted and proud on you that you prepare for very low cost pad and spread it. If woman in house is healthy then they kept family members healthy and then our country live long life with happily

  14. #SaralDesigns First of all i really appreciate ur initiative towards such a wonderful cause.. U r really doing a great job ☺️☺️??? N i m really obliged to be part of ur contest.. First of all menstrual hygiene is really very important coz nw a days too girls n women r nt aware of d symptoms n d infection that cn be caused if we don’t take proper care… N i understand it very well coz i hav experienced it n thnks to d doctor who really taught me to taking care of personal hygiene n many of women r nt able to change their sanitary napkins too often diz is really a main cause of infection n other diseases coz changing sanitary napkins within 5-6 hrs is really important to maintain our hygiene… N we cn promote menstrual hygiene only by awareness coz diz is d only way to explain people.. Awareness cn be spread through newspaper, television, educational institutions n through camps.. I really wish dat i would one of d 15 winners so dat i cn too hav a good sanitary napkins… Once again a big THANK YOU TEAM?? N I HOPE U KEEP UP D GOOD WORK ☺️☺️???

  15. Menstruation cycle hygienic is imporant because it is a very imp part of a women life it is easily cured by using good quality sanitary napkin that protect from infection and many interanal dieases . So use good napkibs and hygine wash that is v wash is used . Stay healthy to eat good and proper diet and periods days used good brand napkins ?wish to win team @labaniya hema from instagram

  16. I can just say that its a commendable work done by Saral designs. It’s very great step for the health of women in rural areas. Nothing better than this can be done for those women who even can’t afford a sanitary napkin. Great step and this should be promoted.

  17. Menstrual hygiene and management is essential in ensuring that our everyday life is not interrupted by menstruation. It ensures that we can continue with our daily routine such as going to school, going to work or doing household chores. It also prevent potential situations of embarrassment and in turn, make us feel confident about ourself and our body. In this sense, maintaining proper menstrual hygiene is important for our wellbeing and development. Menstrual hygiene can be increased by creating awareness among adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene, build self-esteem, and empower girls for greater socialisatio. By increasing access to and use of high quality sanitary napkins by adolescent girls in rural areas. By ensuring safe disposal of sanitary napkins in an environment friendly manner.
    I was a part of my college dramatics society where we conducted nukkad attacks at almost every important place in Delhi and NCR. The play looked upon how in our society orthodox thinking still prevails and how it was the need of the hour to get rid of such type of thinking. I believe that if we work as a society on a whole we will soon be able to tackle this problem ?
    Thank you – SARAL DESIGNS for such a great initiative ??. I hope we are able to tackle the problems we are fighting for ❤️❤️

  18. #saraldesigns such a great initiative .. 1) menstrual hygiene is important to stay safe from vaginal infections n itchiness during menstruation. 2) the way to promote menstrual hygiene is via TV commercials or social media so that every woman stay hygienic n neat in periods ?

  19. #SARALDESIGNS Majority of females have very limited or no knowledge about menstruation and the importance of personal hygiene while menstruating. Maintaining adequate hygiene during menses is necessary to stay away from infections as well as for general comfort and easy mobility.

    Due to this lack of knowledge, many women follow very unsafe practices such as using coir and unsanitary cloth pads during their menses.

    Talking openly about puberty and menstruation at home and school are probably the best options, through this we can promote ?????

    Done ur all steps dear admin…. My Instagram ID is @Dimpi5078
    As I belong to poor family… If I win this then it’s a very very helpful for me… Hope to win ✌️✌️


    Majority of females have very limited or no knowledge about menstruation and the importance of personal hygiene while menstruating. Maintaining adequate hygiene during menses is necessary to stay away from infections as well as for general comfort and easy mobility.

    Due to this lack of knowledge, many women follow very unsafe practices such as using coir and unsanitary cloth pads during their menses.

    Way to promote by talking openly about puberty and menstruation at home and school are probably the best options, through this we can promote easily ????

    Done team… Follow ur each and every steps… I really want this for me and for my sister and mother….

    Hope to win with u ✌️✌️✌️
    My Instagram ID is @Dimpi5078

  21. This is really a good initiative… Some people are really thought on how to be hygienic and some ignore… Best practices will surely create a better place to live in …

  22. I am so touched and inspired at the same time for such a noble and thoughtful initiative. Applauds Saral Designs !!

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