Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Does social media effects children’s mental health?

The more time that kids have on their hands, the more likely is it that you could have some bullying going on. You start a little-somebody might say something to someone that says it to somebody else, then before you know it you have a nice little ring of that mean stuff going on. It goes along with spreading any kind of rumors that might get started, and it’s really hard for that kind of thing to get shut down because parents are not always involved and know what’s happening. Unless one kid tells parents somewhere.

Social media can also cause unrealistic views of other people’s lives, which can create some unhealthy comparisons or peer pressure. With COVID-19, kids are likely using social media more. They also could be feeling isolated because of social distancing. 

” If you are so focused on social media that you may not be interacting, with your family, your peer group, or you know, doing anything else. So that can lead to social isolation which can lead to depression, anxiety, sometimes even suicidal thinking

“The best thing to do is have constant conversations about what’s going on and keep open communication. Of course–you’re the parent, you can look through whatever you want.  But you have to be very cognizant that even if you take things away, other kids are going to be around to let them into that world that you’re trying to protect them from. So more than anything–communication is key,

This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAchatter & MyfriendAlexa

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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