Friday, May 17, 2024
Personality development for kids yellow class
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Personality development for kids- Things that are worth noting in this regard

There are several tips and guidelines that parents should keep in mind with regard to ensuring suitable personality development of children. Even if you are encouraging kid’s activities at home or indulging all the kid’s activities that they wish to try while not putting pressure on them academically, you may still end up putting a load on their shoulders without realizing it.

Personality development for kids The yellow class

Platforms like Yellow Class offer a wide range of activities and online classes for children which inculcate confidence and also help with personality development.

Personality development for kids The yellow class

The range of activities has been kept vast in order to cater to every child since each kid will have a unique personality that he/she is born with.

Yet, in spite of these platforms and available tools, parents will have a vital role to play with regard to ensuring superb personal development.

Personality development for kids

There are several sides to the personality of a child. Starting with their own courage, confidence, self-belief, and self-esteem, especially with regard to how they respect and treat other people.

Between 3-6 years of age, you can view the personality development of your little one. This is the right time to inculcate core values in them while also grooming them into happy, positive, and confident individuals of the future.

Here are the tips that you should note in this regard.

1) Do not label

As parents, do not brand children for any particular sort of behavior or actions. You will unconsciously make the kid feel that he/she is like something that you have branded him/her as.

Labeling children will naturally close out their options of correcting themselves in the future as well. This may lead to lower self-esteem and the child may imitate the behavior of other people around him/her.

Always be cautious about what you say, particularly when correcting the mistakes of your kid.

2) Listen better

Children usually desire more attention. With kids growing fast, they start gaining more independence. Toddlers and preschoolers usually express themselves through talking, particularly when they have developing language skills.

As parents, you can patiently listen to all they have to say, their stories, and so on. This will make them feel more secure and confident, leading to the development of a better personality while enabling them to also become good listeners in the future.

3) Gently improve shortcomings

Most parents make the mistake of expecting kids to be excellent at whatever they take up. Whenever children do not match up to these expectations, they will express disappointment in several ways by accusing them of not being skilled enough.

Every child comes with unique abilities and as parents, you should encourage and identify the same. Gently improve shortcomings without reducing the confidence of your children.

Personality development for kids The yellow class

4) Avoid Comparisons

Comparing children to other relatives, friends, and neighbors may do harm to their personalities. Constant comparisons with others will make the child believe that he/she is still not good enough.

Children start getting confused about their identity and mimic peers. Respect your kid’s individuality and do not compare him/her with anyone to build up his/her confidence.

5) Be a role model

Children automatically imitate their parents. Children learn what they hear and see. Be a role model in terms of your behavior since it will otherwise leave lasting impressions on their minds.

Keep things back where they belong, be polite to people, do not exhibit erratic or hypocritic behavior.

Personality development for kids The yellow class

6) Allow free and unstructured playtime

Free play has come down considerably amongst children in the current generation owing to varied reasons. Nothing can really teach good values like caring, sharing, resilience, and team spirit like playing sports.

Games are the best development activities for your personality. Many parents usually shield kids from playing outside or limit sporting activities. For overall personality development, involvement in a sport is a must.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

13 thoughts on “Personality development for kids- Things that are worth noting in this regard

  1. Bang on pointers. 3-6 years age groups is the crucial period. The is the bracket when kids become very observant, somewhat sensitive to comments and feedback. How we talk to them matters a lot. Not comparing them to others is very important.

  2. These are great tips Dr. Bushra. I agree it is very important to avoid comparison of your kids with others. this is the one common mistake that most parents make. unnecessary comparison lead to low self esteem and create an inferiority complex in kids.

  3. A child’s personality develops from a young age and right guidance will always enhance it. These are good pointers for all parents.

  4. We need to shape the personality of children from when they are young. The Yellow Classes look like they would be an apt way to guide parents to do so.

  5. With my current frame of mind, I need this post. Both parents and kids are stressed these days.Yet it is our responsibility to shape our child’s personality in the right way. Love your post.

  6. I have been hearing a lot about yellow class of-late and was planning to enroll my kiddo for couple of classes. A must for growing kids I feel

  7. I agree we need to make sure that kids should learn to be confident and have outstanding personality. Yellow classes have great options for kids to learn!!

  8. Developing kids personality from early age is important and parents role is important in this whole process. They need to be allowed to do things in certain way and parents can lead by example. One of the points I liked a lot is not comparing kids with others.

  9. As they say, the child is the father of the Man, hence the foundations of ones’ personality is laid from early childhood. Hence as a pareent we should be careful how we treat them and also refrain from comparisons.

  10. Yellow class is one of the best classes for kids, kids are happily taking part in it. My niece has enrolled on it and enjoying it a lot

  11. Nice post. I agree sports and games develop a child well. Also giving them an opportunity to communicate openly helps a lot. And comparison is a big no no.

  12. Couldn’t agree more, you have written each point so well with right balance of personality conditions. We need to be there as the partners and not as strict parents.

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