Saturday, September 21, 2024
A to Z of Healing
Blog Posts Lifestyle Mental Health

A to Z of Healing by Ishieta Chopra

This April I have attended the A to Z challenge in which we’ve to write throughout April(except Sundays) on a single theme. At the end, we have the choice to compile them into a book. I’ve also compiled my Ebook A to Z of Pregnancy.

Want to know more about  A to Z of Pregnancy – The Complete Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy and Childbirth. You can easily read it on here

As a part of the #BlogchatterEBookCarnival, we are asked to review books from fellow authors. I’ve reviewed

The Travel Book wrote by Humaira Sadaf The Travellore India Ebook Review

A to Z of Healing by Ishieta Chopra

Today I am reviewing A to Z of Healing by Ishieta Chopra

My Choosy picks from the book

Since I’m avid learner so I always love to explore new things. Being in Health field I get to learn alternative practices of health through A to Z of Healing book. This book talks about 26 alternative types of healing method. I love the various forms of healing methods that are less practiced nowadays. There is full of competition in every field and everyone are facing consequences less or more. The book talks about how everyone can overcome negativity by following or practicing the healing therapy. I love that author gives a brief description of healing practices flawlessly.

Book Theme & style of the book

‘A to Z of healing’ – Reflects the author experience as a healer and clears many myths about the alternative healing, energy sciences practices. The book leaves a positive impact on the reader’s mind and finds a spiritual connection with the book. The book talks about the true meaning of spirituality by promoting positivity and well being. And brings curiosity in readers mind to discover more about healing.

Though I’m familiar with Reiki, tarot reading Yoga, Vastushastra etc. Through this book, I get to learn new forms of the alternative healing practices like water therapy, Runes, Zen, Qigong, Kundalini etc. The book also talks about Numerology, Praying methods, Meditation, Laughter therapy, Zodiac, Astrology etc. The author beautifully cover diverse aspects of healing.

Who should Read the book?

‘A to Z of healing’ – This book is for everyone who wants to explore the variant forms healing therapy.

Best thing about the book

I love the theme of the book and authors writing style. The language is easy to understand and chic gives clear idea about the alternative healing, energy sciences practices. If you’re an avid learner and looking for inner peace this book is meant for you.

What Could be better?

Though I like everything about the book if the author uses more evenness in text formatting will give more consistency to the book.

All About The Woman verdict?

I’ll definitely recommend A to Z of healing to my readers. This book inspired me to learn more about reiki and tarot reading and numerology. Also, I love the spiritual impact of Yoga, Meditation and different forms of prayers. I love to explore the alternative system of medicines.

Since every one of us more or less has negativity in life. And we all look out for peace and spiritual support. This book will motivate you spiritually and guide you through the path to internal peace.

So this book is for everyone out there and will definitely change your outlook toward life.

All About The Woman Rating for ‘A to Z of healing’: 4/5
Want to know more about A to Z of Healing You can easily read it on two platforms:
Amazon Kindle: Healing-Esoteric-Healers-Experiences-Isheerias-ebook/dp/B0711QZ35G/

About the author: Ishieta Chopra 

A practicing Numerologist, Tarot Reader & Reiki Healer & Master, She has set up Isheeria’s Healing Circles to help people Learn, Heal & (Re) Design their lives through the Esoteric Arts and Healing Methods such as Numerology, Astrology, Feng Shui & Tarot Readings, Reiki and various other Healing Methods, some of which you will be reading about in this book.

She writes on these topics along with Monthly Predictions, upcoming festivals and important days according to Astrology, Western Calendar and popular folklore, and Alternative methods of Healing & Predictions, and other Fun & interesting stuff on her site.

Book Blurb: The Author, Ishieta belongs to a Lineage of healers, and in the A to Z Challenge in 2017, took up the theme of A to Z of Healing.

Join her as she completes the Alphabets and shares her notes and experiences on 26 Alternative forms of Healing – Beyond the ‘what’ they are, to what we can do with them & what the experience is like.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

24 thoughts on “A to Z of Healing by Ishieta Chopra

  1. I liked your review, Bushra. It is concise, covering all the points enough to make an informative decision for the readers. The book sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing. ?

  2. While it sounds intriguing, it is not the sort of information that I would incorporate into my practice. So, I will stick with the vast and varied “to read” items that overflow my list already. (If I could only read at least 1 more tome than I add to the pile each day….)

  3. I followed Ishieta’s posts all through out AtoZ and loved them all for the clear and crisp way each healing technique is dealt with. Great review Bushra!

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