Saturday, September 21, 2024
Keys to a Healthy Happy Love Relationship
Blog Hop Health Mental Health Relationship

Keys to a Healthy Happy Love Relationship #ClickandBlogAStory

We all are wondering for the secrets behind the successful Healthy Happy love Relationship. How to maintain and regain the warmth of your love relationship like it was on the very first day?

Being living in modern society your lifestyle is quite busy. It’s difficult to take out quality time for your love Relationship. This applies to every kind of love relationship – Couples, Siblings, Parents-kids, In-Laws etc.

Keys to a Healthy Happy Love Relationship

It’s good to put an extra effort into your loving ones. Trust me following given tips you can regain the true warmth of your love relationship easily.


This is one of the must have the key to a Healthy Happy Love Relationship. If you ignore this, it’s going to be tough for you. Giving Respect doesn’t mean you have to YES with everything your partner wants.

Respect not only brings admiration, Trust, Warmth to your Love relationship. You also have strong support in every phase of life.

Abuse, be it any form (physical, verbal, emotional) disregard respect in every way.  Give Equal Respect to your loved ones to have a healthy relationship.

Arguing – Healthy Discussion

We always come across a healthy couple that doesn’t fight.  However – they argue or discuss. You can argue, have a healthy discussion without fighting.

Arguing is non-combative – One can state their points of view without raising voice & yelling out.  Sometimes you agree to disagree – that’s absolutely okay after all we are humans.

Figure out what your “Dislikes” are – the things that you will not compromise on. Have a healthy sorted discussion about your list. Hopefully, You get your values matched – that makes things easier for every love relationship!

Love the saying “You can either be right or married.”

Smart Parenting

There are different Parenting styles– Strict, Authoritative and Lenient. As the Couple has different upbringings – and so they tend to parent in the same.

This brings differences, disagreements a lot of times. Like if Mother wants tuition class for her child but Father wants the mother to teach their children. This brings differences.

If the two of you don’t agree on the same parenting style, you must discuss it.  Also, if you differ on whether your children should be punished or not – you need to talk.

If you don’t have kids yet but going to have it soon, you must have this conversation with your partner.

Money Matters

If you are Making more money than your partner, that doesn’t give the authority to overrule the other. Couple must have an equal say on where their money goes. Mutual consent on each and every money matter -small or large.

Having a joint account is getting too complicated, Switch to the individual account. Does that hurt the affinity of a relationship?  No, it actually strengthens love relationship.  Now no more fighting about money.

Keys to a Healthy Happy Love Relationship

Congrats Amrita for being Blogger of the month (January). Thanks for your constant support. A yor surprise gift will reach you soon 🙂


Author Bio – Neha Tambe is an avid blogger, she loves to write short stories. Her stories inspired from real life and situations.She has done Masters in Mass Communication and has a handful of experience writing for both print and electronic medium.She’s a freelancer for Social Media Marketing and Content Writing.

#ClickandBlogAStory linky  WEEK 6 Prompt


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love relationship

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Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

41 thoughts on “Keys to a Healthy Happy Love Relationship #ClickandBlogAStory

  1. So simple and practical advice. Yet, we fail. You have written it with examples and this is what making it special Bushra.

  2. An articulate post Bushra , respect and transparency are crucial to every relationship and not losing individual identity esp on money matters actually makes the couple stronger.
    Have a fabulous feb full of blog love 🙂

  3. Love is indeed all about Respect for your partner, having healthy discussions. i also liked your point on smart parenting well we do need it to keep the love alive…and money matters makes the relationships worse sometimes :(…Nice post 🙂

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