Friday, May 10, 2024
Ways to use less plastic in daily life.
Environmental Talks Health Heathcare Lifestyle

15 Ways to use less plastic in daily life

You must have watched the huge mountain of plastic waste at the end of your city exit. Plastic is not biodegradable.

It took almost 1000 years for them to break down into small pieces.

They are extremely harmful to marine life, birds, grazing animals, and the environment.

Over 40% plastics of total used plastic is used only once.

Plastic are extremely harmful to our health. But by doing small effort you can reduce minute amount of plastic burden.

15 Ways to use less plastic in daily life.

Ways to use less plastic in daily life.

We are discussing Ways to reduce the use of plastic in your daily life.

1. Take Water in recyclable plastic bottles while going out.

Most of us don’t take the pain to carry a water bottles while going to work or any other time. We mostly buy bottled water and contribute to plastic pollution by throwing the one-time-use water bottle in the bin. Or some may take them back home and use them in regular daily routine. Without knowing that they are harmful to their health. You can take recyclable plastics water bottles for your and environmental health.

2. Take your food in recyclable plastics lunch box or glass containers.

It’s important to understand that plastic should be avoided as much as we can. Instead of carrying food in plastic bags or one time used glass containers or recyclable plastics.

3. Choose biodegradable straws

Did you know that 500 MILLION plastic straws are dumped every single day? Switch to steel, bamboo, or glass Straws. Next time you go dining outside take your straw with you and also make the restaurant aware of this too.

4. Switch to metal razors

Through away your plastic razors and switch to metal razors. Did you know plastic razors alone contribute to about 2 billion plastic loads every year? These are not recycled. So invest in a reusable metal razor. And discard the plastic razors in recycle bin.

5. Choose biodegradable toothbrush

You will not believe it if I told you that 50 million plastic toothbrushes contribute to annual plastic waste. A bamboo toothbrush works similarly to a plastic toothbrush lasts for 3 months. But bamboo toothbrushes are biodegradable and biodegrade within 6months into the soil. While plastic toothbrush doesn’t biodegrade at all. They will remain in the environment forever.

6. Take the shopping bag before going to the market.

Do you know the 500 billion plastic bags are produced every year? While moving out take shopping bags from your home. Instead of buying from the market. Better donate that 5 rupees to someone in need. These end up in bins contributing to plastic pollution.

7. Buy kitchen essentials in bulk

The kitchen contributes to most of the world’s plastic waste. The best way is to buy kitchen essentials in bulk, preferred cardboard packaging, and store them in jars.

8. Switch to items comes in cardboard over plastic

There are many brands that do cardboard packaging instead of plastic. Switch to essential comes in cardboard packaging.

9. Avoid taking plastic to your home.

You must have noticed that most of the single products are wrap in plastics. Instead of taking that plastic to your home. Unwrap them and through in the bin in the supermarket only. They will reuse or recycle them.

10. Start using wire hangers

Plastic hangers are neither durable and need to replace soon. And 80% of them contribute to plastic accumulation as they are not recycled or reused. Steel hangers are durable and don’t need to replace soon.

11. Stop eating Chewing gum

Did you know that most of the Chewing gums that you consume come from synthetic rubber? And this ends up in bin contributing to plastic pollution. So avoid Chewing gum.

12. Choose naturally made clothing fibers.

Clothes made from synthetic fibres are plastic. So choose clothes that are made from naturally produce fibres like cotton.

13. Switch to feminine products made with paper and cotton

Feminine products like sanitary pads, tampons, and other essentials contribute to piles of plastic waste. Instead switch to reusable products like menstrual cups.

14. Avoid using plastic or one time use cups or glass

There’s a very common habit of drinking cold drinks or coffee or tea in plastic cups, glass, especially in India. Try to take your glass or cup with you.

15. Compost your kitchen waste

Instead of throwing your damp kitchen waste in plastic bags. Reuse and recycle them as a compost for your plants.

These are some ways by which you can reduce the use of plastic in your day-to-day life. Do share and spread awareness. 

This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAchatter

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

2 thoughts on “15 Ways to use less plastic in daily life

  1. I think its very essential, As I travel even into remote places plastic has reached everywhere and the sad part is in remote areas there is no waste management. We have to educate everyone the dire need of using plastic in daily life as mush as possible. We have started segregate plastic and organic waste, next step is convert the organic waste to compost. Thanks

  2. This post is so important to save our planet! Everyone needs to read it. I love all the points and do follow most of them.

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