Saturday, September 21, 2024
PreventWhatCanBePrevented difference between FLU and COMMON COLD
Blog Posts Health Heathcare Parenting

How to Differentiate between Flu and Common cold in India #PreventWhatCanBePrevented

He had returned from Delhi a day before – COVID 19 is in full swing in that city. Our place is colder than Delhi’s hot summer. As he reached home after a 12-hour long drive, he felt exhausted and uncomfortable, more than usual.

In the morning he complained about having a sore throat, cough, body ache, fever, etc. He suspected having COVID 19 and got a test done immediately to know for sure .

He is my 26-year-old brother who panics quickly. Well, not just my brother, but the current COVID 19 pandemic has switched on everyone’s panic mode!

My entire colony and every second person that I come across at the hospital have cough, cold, and fever. It may be because of changes in weather conditions that cause flu or a common cold, but everyone thinks that they have contracted COVID 19.

I have tried really hard to convince my brother that it must be the flu since his covid test result came negative, and there is no need to panic at all. He started doing better within a week after treatment.

Flu Vs Common cold

As some of the symptoms of flu and common cold are similar, it’s hard to differentiate between them. Hence it is very important to understand the difference between flu vs common cold so that there is no panic and treatment can be administered timely and rightly.

Let’s understand the differences between flu Vs common cold.

Common cold

Common cold has some symptoms which are similar to flu. However, it’s very mild when compared to the flu or even, God forbid, Covid 19. It can hit any time of the year and doesn’t cause any serious health complications.

Flu or Influenza

PreventWhatCanBePrevented FLU VS COMMON COLDPreventWhatCanBePrevented FLU VS COMMON COLD

Flu or Influenza is caused by the influenza viruses. It is seasonal.

Some of the common symptoms are fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body ache, headache, etc.

Some serious complications include shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, etc. [1] Children may complain about vomiting and diarrhea. It can cause mild to severe illnesses.

The symptoms develop after 1-4 days of infection and the patient remains contagious for about 1-7 days of their illness.

Flu is contagious and spreads through close contact via cough, sneeze, and talk. It requires medical treatment and people usually get cured within 4-7 days. Also, a vaccine is available to prevent flu.

The flu vaccination protects from infection and its serious complications. Hence, it is good to opt for the same to avoid getting the flu. Here are some common facts about the flu that should be known:

  1. Children, pregnant women, the elderly, persons with chronic medical conditions, and the immunosuppressed are at greater risk for severe influenza infection  and its complications.
  2. As children are more social and are in close contact with everyone, they are always at risk of infections. As per the report, 8.7 lakh children under 5 years of age get hospitalized every year because of the flu. To prevent this, it’s important to get them vaccinated.
  3. Apart from kids, flu is very common among adults. It causes 2.9 lakh to 6.5 lakh respiratory deaths annually. [6]
  4. Most importantly, people with chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma or other respiratory conditions are at a greater risk of flu-related complications. This also includes senior citizens over 65. Timely flu vaccination is the right way to prevent flu and its complications.

In India, the right time to vaccinate is before the monsoon. Consult your pediatrician to know more.

As per WHO[2] it is highly recommended to get vaccinated each year to prevent flu.

Annual flu vaccines must be taken by adults who are at high risk and children, especially in the age group of 3 – 8 years. Talk to your doctor today and get that appointment.

We must #PreventWhatCanBePrevented because flu is preventable with vaccination.

PreventWhatCanBePrevented FLU VS COMMON COLDPreventWhatCanBePrevented FLU VS COMMON COLD


Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

51 thoughts on “How to Differentiate between Flu and Common cold in India #PreventWhatCanBePrevented

  1. This is such a useful blog to know all about flu, cold and influenza. All of this is so so relevant especially in today’s time. Very well explained

  2. Thanks for discussing this. Especially in this present atmosphere, important to know the difference between common cold and influenza and how dangerous the latter can be

  3. We mostly aren’t aware about the differences and treat flu as common cold and then the symptoms abrubtly becomes difficult to manage. Thanks for this post. It clarifies the differences and similarities.

  4. oh yes./ Considering the current pandemic this was much needed. I recently got flu shots for myself , my husband and also for my kiddo .. People usually ignore such things. This is a helpful post..

  5. At this time everyone is afraid of fever and this article is absolutely great with all the pointers we need to know. Nice one

  6. Abroad, mostly everyone gets annual flu shots. In India there isn’t awareness about it yet. Hope people become knowledgeable and #Peventwhatcanbeprevented.

  7. Indeed we parents get confused with the symptoms and often mistake on symptoms of flu and cold. this is a very informative and good post on the same.

  8. It is so neccessary to be able to differentiate between the symptoms of Flu and the Common Cold, and more so in these times when, panic can set in quickly. You have explained very clearly the differences which is really very informative. Sandy N Vyjay.

  9. Good article to know the difference between flu n common cold. And to prevent flu , vaccination is must.

  10. This post makes things easy to understand. Hope people can differentiate now and won’t panic. Covid has created a havoc and this post came on right time.

  11. The flu is worse than a cold. The flu literally comes on suddenly and lasts longer. Great tips to identify cold and flu.

  12. Thank you for writing in detail about the symptoms which people often confuse about. I’m much clearer after reading this post

  13. To be very honest I was not aware of it. Although the difference is not too much but yeah one should have knowledge about it.

  14. Kids suffer the most with any kind of disease. They are more prone as you said as they interact with every person at home. You have given great details in your blog.

  15. This is really the need of the hour. This needs to be understood by the common public. We medicos should explain this loud and clear.

  16. Thanks to your post I now know the difference between common cold and flu. By the way, like others even I’m petrified these days by the very mention of virus.

  17. These articles will clear many facts about flu and virus . We are not aware off. Even I get afraid when my kid have fever, cold cough and thinking it may be covid .

  18. Thanks for sharing this. I am very susceptible to common cold due to allergy issues and change in climate n everyone around me use to panic everytome I sneezed specilly in this covid times and I was like, it’s just cold I knw it coz I had not other symptoms. But it was a task to make them understand.

  19. This is an informative post indeed like just yesterday night my son had fever and symptoms of flu but thankfully it was just a mild episode.

  20. Coming from a doctor, this post is not only helpful but very reassuring as well. The current Pandemic has made us panic at the slightest change we feel.

  21. Quite often, we get confused between flu and common cold. And by the time we realize the difference, it is already late. Knowing the difference always helps in catching it at the right time.

    1. It’s very important to know the difference between flu n common cold. There has been a lot of confusion between the two and people need to be aware.

  22. this is a very informative post, people often misunderstand flu and common cold. We as a family have recently taken the flu shots and I am glad we did that for safety reasons

  23. It is important to be able to differentiate between flu and common cold to get the right medication and avoid panic. Thanks for this useful information.

  24. This is such an wonderful and informative blog. We should no the difference between flu and common cold these days. I always become afraid whenever we feel cold or fever .

  25. With so many symptoms overlapping with cold flue influenza it gets difficult of many to understand the difference. Thanks a lot for sharing the details.

  26. It can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. Flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms are more intense. Great thoughts.

  27. This is something, we should be aware of. Often these two conditions are considered to be same and treated in the same way.

  28. Yes, there is a difference between a flu and common cold which need to be understood and you have shared it so well. This is really very insightful for all of us!!

  29. You have shared it a perfect time. I suffer a lot from common cold and running nose and I get glances from people when I get cold.

  30. Such helpful post this is. I have three kids and if one has cold all three have. Now I know what to do

  31. I have saved this and definitely going to share with other parents. Thank you for writing on this topic, especially during these times.

  32. This is such an important post. We often get confused between flu and cold. Both need to be treated differently and for that we first have to understand the difference between the two.

  33. During recent time, it is very important that a normal person should also understand the difference between common cold, flu and influenza to avoid unnecessary worries. you have explained it so well in easy to understand language. indeed, a helpful post.

  34. This post is something needs to be reached out to the wider audience. unlike me very few are pro to identify the difference between flu and common cold. Thanks for bringing this comparative characteristics of both the common diseases before us. Noted down all.

  35. This information is much needed in todays time. Few of the symptoms are so similar that it is very difficult for a laymen to understand. Thanks for this informative post and coming from a credible person like you definitely adds value.

  36. this is such a insightful post for sure. Many often fail to understand the difference between flue and common cold and take the symptoms lightly

  37. Understand the difference between flu and common cold is important to meet the medical needs. Very informative post.

  38. Yes many raise an alarm for Covid but it can be Flu too. Your post has described all the symptoms of the flu very well and absolutely we need to prevent that can be prevented by taking flu vaccination shots.

  39. We often get confused about cold and flu symptoms and are not able to do timely treatment. This post indeed helps parents and in general everyone to understand this better.

  40. Very informative post, it is essential to know the difference between flu, common cold, and viral infections. I have got my kid vaccinated against the flu just last week.

  41. Due to the pandemic everyone is in a panic mode. gOOD you highlighted the difference between flu n common cold. A useful blog!!

  42. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between the two since they have similar symptoms. Young children are at a higher risk for flu-related complications. Great tips.

  43. The line between a common cold and flu can be so thin that it does become difficult o distinguish between the two for a layman. These are some valuable pointers to be able to make out whether the symptoms are those of a flu or a common cold.

  44. Since they both appear similar, differentiating between flu and common cold can be tricky. This is very useful information that will help us understand symptoms better.

  45. This is a very helpful post. I am going to share with my sister in law. You have shared all the details in a very nice way

  46. Totally agree with you flu vaccines are a must have but not much heed is paid to it in our country, glad you decided to put forward this post and create awareness

  47. I attended a twitter session organized by blogchatter, last week. It helped me a lot in understanding the difference between the two. This blog post has addressed my other doubts too, thank you 🙂

  48. Though I have got my son vaccinated for flu but the fear is a constant. Thanks for clearing many doubts where one can confuse a common cold as flu.

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