Monday, May 13, 2024
Does COVID Vaccine affect your Period/ Menstrual Cycle
Health Heathcare

Does COVID Vaccine affect your Period/ Menstrual Cycle?

1)Does COVID Vaccine affect your Period? Or After getting infected does your period become irregular?

According to the reports that have come, women who have also got COVID have complained about some issues related to their menstruation. Irregular cycles after recovery, delayed periods, missed periods, painful periods, irregular periods such as heavy flow or spotting, clotting, abnormally long periods. Like COVID affects many of our organs. Like the intestine, kidney, heart, etc. In the case of women, this happens if there is inflammation in the body and there is no bleeding due to swelling up of the blood vessels. But there has been no study on COVID and the menstrual cycle. We do not have research data. That is why we have no clarity whether COVID and menstrual period are interrelated.

2)Have you witnessed cases where your patients have had delayed periods/ missed periods?

No, I’ve not. 

3) Does harmful menstruation traditions leave people vulnerable to the pandemic?

Various stigma is associated with Menstruation. Women don’t wash their genital parts, they use ash, cloth, even leaves in the interior. Because of the pandemic, the gap between menstrual hygiene and menstrual tradition has increased. Women don’t have access to menstrual products. So yeah pandemic definitely makes the life of women vulnerable because they don’t have access to Menstrual essentials like sanitary pads and tampons, menstrual cups, reusable napkins, pain medication, and soap.

4) Is it safe to take the vaccine during periods or menstrual?    

Yes, it’s absolutely safe to take vaccines during periods. You can get vaccinated while on periods or at any other time. Any woman or girl above the age of 18years can get vaccinated. 

We don’t have any actual data or evidence that would prove that covid vaccine and menstrual cycle interrelated.  You see women across the globe have already been vaccinated against COVID-19.  And no such claims have been recorded yet that vaccine is not safe during menstruation. This is a lifesaving vaccine that you have to take as soon as you can. We need to understand that menstruation is a natural body process that occurs because of hormonal change. It doesn’t limit or decrease your immunity.  On the other hand stress anxiety, mental strain can cause irregular menstrual patterns. For this, you need to consult the doctor. 

5) Can you suggest some precautions before taking the vaccine if you are menstruating?

If you are getting vaccinated during your period then keep few things in mind. During periods progesterone and estrogen is fluctuated. Because of which your body started retaining water. This will make you dehydrated and cause cramps period. So at the time of vaccination, you should stay hydrated. Follow basic SOPs like a mask, social distancing, sanitization, etc. 

After Vaccination, there can be minor side effects in your body. This is due to body immune. Like Headaches, Mild fever,  Tiredness, Mild pain, and swelling on the arm where you got the jab.

6) Does menstruation limit the efficacy of the vaccine? 

This is also a myth. Menstruation will not affect the efficacy of the vaccine. There is absolutely no corelation between COVID vaccine and menstrual cycle. There is no data or study to justify this claim. You see women across the globe have already been vaccinated against COVID-19 and no claims were recorded. The COVID vaccine is life-saving and should be taken as early as possible. Menstruation is a natural body process. It will neither decrease nor limit body immunity. Stress and strain can generally lead to some variation happening in the periodic pattern.

7) Can the vaccine cause more side effects during your periods? It’s is a myth. There’s no relation between vaccine and menstruation. The covid vaccine will not affect your hormone while you are on your period or vice versa. You can take the vaccine during your periods. Also, you will not miss a period after covid vaccination. How vaccine work? An inactive pathogen strain has been transferred to your body to start the immnue response. But the vaccine doesn’t interfere with your menstrual cycle or any other body Ka process. So it is as safe for women to get vaccination done as it is for men. We do not have enough data or study to link the side effects to a particular gender or age.

Please note that never ignore uneven menstrual patterns. If you are experiencing heavy bleeding, spotting, clotting, fatigue, delayed periods, missed period then consult a doctor and start the prescribed treatment without delay.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.

‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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