Sunday, May 12, 2024

Breast Examination

Today are we going to discuss how you can protect yourselves, how you can examine yourself?

So basically it’s cancer in the breast. Our body has a mechanism that controls cell division. And in breast cancer, our cells start dividing, keep on growing and growing. Ultimately become a tumor. This exactly happens in any type of cancer. 

So breast cancer can show in different parts: on the surface of the breast, on the areola, on the nipple. So when you are doing a self-breast examination you have to examine all these parts. 

Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers in women’s bodies.

Every 4 minutes 1 woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in India.

Every 13 minutes 1 woman dies of breast cancer.

Every woman is at risk

The best treatment is early diagnosis and treatment.

When to do the self-breast examination?

The best time to do the self-breast examination is after 7-10 days of your period. As hormonal levels are normal and it will not affect the texture of your breast. And breasts are the right texture at this time. Always examine your breast the same day every month.

It should be done after the age of 20 years every month. It should be done in pregnancy and even after Menopause.

It may take 2-3 months to know how your breasts feel and to get used to this. 

Early signs of breast cancer which you would be looking for:

  1. Changes in the size or shape of the breast.
  2. Any dimpling, puckering, or scaling of the skin over the breast or nipple.
  3. A rash over the skin.
  4. Any accentuated veins over the surface of the breast.
  5. Unusual swelling of one upper arm or in the armpit.
  6. Any unusual discharge from the breast.

Self-Breast Examination:

So we the self-breast examination always remember the A, B & C. A for armpit, B for breast, and C for collar bone. In the case of breast cancer the lump can be found in an area of the armpit, collar bone apart from the breast. 

The self-breast examination is a simple technique that every woman must know. 7 steps 15 minutes every month.

To start with the self-breast examination, find the private room with a large mirror. Stand in front of the mirror. Ideally, it should be done after a shower, your skin is soft and without wearing a bra. 

To start with self-breast examination:

Step 1: Stand in front of the mirror with your arms by your waist and observe any changes like changes in the size and shape of the breast, any dimpling, puckering, redness of the skin. Look for any changes in the size or the position of the nipple.

Step 2: Bend slightly forward toward the mirror and again look for these changes.

Step 3: Raise your hands above and place them behind the head. Press the hands forward against the head and once again observe the changes.

Step 4: Lie down on a firm surface or a Hard bed. Place a folded towel under the right shoulder to feel the right breast with the left hand. Place a folded towel under the left shoulder to feel the right breast with the right hand. 

Step 5: To palpate the breast the hand movement should be done pad of three fingers. Glide your fingers over the breast. Do not lift the breast tissue. Cover the entire area neck to the bottom of the breast, midline of the chest to the armpit. 

Press to feel the entire breast tissue with three different pressures: light, medium, and deep. To feel the most superficial to the deepest part of the breast up to the chest wall. You could move your hand either up and down, outward and inward, or in a circular motion covering the entire breast.

Step 6:  Feel the armpit area on both sides 

Step 7:  Squeeze the nipple for any discharge: clear, milky. blood-stained or greenish or blackish discharge. 

Breast cancer is weird. It is getting commoner day by day. And we still don’t know the reasons for breast cancer. So the success of breast cancer treatment lies in the early diagnosis itself.

So do the self-breast examination every month regularly, even during pregnancy and even after menopause. If you notice anything then informs your doctor. Always remember the self-breast examination is not a substitute for the clinical examination. For any queries see a health care provider.

This post is written for the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. My theme is let’s debunk Common myths around women’s health.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.
DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information.
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

3 thoughts on “Breast Examination

  1. The importance of Breast examination must be taught and encouraged in young females at early age. Breast tumour are common yet ignored due to lack of breast examination.

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