Friday, May 03, 2024
how and when to take urine pregnancy test
Health Heathcare Pregnancy Guide

How and When To Take Urine Pregnancy Test

A urine pregnancy test is one of the revolutionary inventions that ease the life of a woman to a greater extent. 

I am saying this because in the interiors of India women don’t know to use sanitary pads but they knew to use a urine pregnancy test kit.

Though the results vary as the right approach towards using a urine pregnancy test kit is missing. 

The question is why pregnancy test goes wrong? It is either because lack of knowledge or testing is done in the early phase, or urine us diluted coz of testing in later in the day. Or the UPT Kit you are using doesn’t detect lower levels of hCG.

Urine pregnancy test kit is stressful as well as a crucial step in a woman’s life. It is one of the easiest, quick way to detect whether you have conceived or not. However, the proper approach to performing this test clarifies your doubts. 

Today we are discussing some very basic pointers that you should keep in mind while performing a urine pregnancy test kit.

How does a urine pregnancy test work?

how and when to take urine pregnancy test

urine pregnancy test kit confirms whether a woman is pregnant or not. It works by measuring the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) or pregnancy hormone. 

When to take a pregnancy test?

This hormone is detected in the urine or blood after 10 to 14 days of conception. When the egg gets fertilized and implants in the uterus HCG level double up. Hence its recommend taking the test after 10 days of your missed period.

How accurate are pregnancy tests?

The pregnancy test is accurate if done in the right way and at the right time. 

Where can I get a urine pregnancy test kit?

You can find the UPT kit at any drug store, online, etc.

What are the risks involved?

The only risk involved is false negative or positive results. In the case of false-negative results, the risk is more as you are pregnant but results are negative. Hence you don’t know about your pregnancy and don’t take any precautions for your unborn baby.

How to take the Urine Pregnancy test?

Not any special preparation is needed. Read the instructions carefully before performing the test.

Make sure the kit is not expired. Perform the test in the first-morning urine after 10 days for your missed period.

Don’t consume anything to increase the volume of urine. Perform on empty stomach.

If you are taking a cassette test kit. Take urine in a container. With the help of dropper take some urine and put 2-3 drops on the UPT cassette.

Wait for 1-2min. The urine will come to the detector. There will be 2 lines. One is for test and 2nd for control. 

The Control line is positive in all cases excluding some discrepancies.

how and when to take urine pregnancy test

The test line is positive means you are pregnant and negative means you are not pregnant.

That’s in case of positive results or pregnancy 2 lines that are both test and control line will be seen.

In case of negative results, and an only single line that is a control line will be seen and no test line will be seen means no pregnancy. 

In some cases, no line develops, or either the test line develops and the control line doesn’t develop. In that, we consider the test as invalid. 

Things to keep in mind is that use only 2-3 drops of urine. Wait for 1-2 min or even 3 min for all lines to appear. 

how and when to take urine pregnancy test

In some cases, the test line comes very faint or light, and we are not assured about the results. Or sometimes test shows you are not pregnant or negative results but you have some physical changes. Or in case if you want early detection.

For the above reasons, you can go for a blood test for the measuring of beta HCG hormone. 

A blood test can detect whether you are pregnant or not more accurately. Apart from that via a blood test, you can also come to know whether your pregnancy will be healthy or not or about any complications like miscarriage, etc.

This can’t be detected in urine tests.

For this, you have to go for a blood test 2 times. The second blood test is performed after 48hrs of fist test. 

If the level of beta HCG hormone is doubling or more than double this means chances of healthy or viable pregnancy increases

If beta HCG hormone levels are decreasing this means your pregnancy will be distorted and known as biochemical pregnancy.

Sometimes beta HCG hormone is increasing but not at a good level. This means there’s is chances of complications like a miscarriage. In this case, proper treatment and a close watch are needed. And early USG is recommended to check for heart and growth of the baby.

Disclosure: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger.
DISCLAIMER: The content in this post is purely meant for educational purpose only and not to be substituted for professional medical advice. One should consult the expert for any related information.
Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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