Thursday, May 02, 2024
Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex
FOOD Food Nutrition Health Health Tips

Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex For Skin Hair And Health #BlogchatterA2Z

Good nutrition is very essential for normal functioning of our body. So it’s very important to take balance diet and prevent any kind of deficiency.

Vitamin B-complex is a big group of water-soluble vitamins. It has numerous health benefits for our body functions and are available in many food sources. The group has  B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cobalamin).

B1 (Thiamine) Health Benefits

Thiamine boost metabolism by converting nutrients into energy. It’s required for the growth, development, and function of cells in the body.

Deficiency Symptoms: Weight loss, Weakness, Irritability, Short-term memory loss, Cardiovascular symptoms etc.

Food Sources: Common food sources are cereal, whole-grain products (bread, rice, and flour), black beans pork, trout, mussels, and tuna.

B2 (Riboflavin) Health Benefits

It helps in converting food into energy. Improves RBC production. Required for keeping eyes, nervous system, and skin healthy.

Deficiency Symptoms: Skin disorders, Hair loss, Swelling of the mouth and throat, cracked lips and cracks at the corners of the mouth, etc.

Food Sources: Common food sources are milk and dairy products, beef liver, mushrooms, and chicken.

B3 (Niacin) Health Benefits

Helps in metabolism, enzymes in the proper functioning of the body, DNA production, and repair, require for the production of hormones (sex and stress). Aids in the functioning of the skin, digestive, and nervous system.

Deficiency Symptoms: Inflamed skin, Digestive problems, Poor circulation, Fatigue, Depression

Food Sources: Common food sources are eggs, fish, cereal, rice, nuts, milk and dairy products, chicken, beef, lamb, peanuts.

B5 (Pantothenic acid) Health Benefits

Produce energy by breaking down fats and carbohydrates. Aids in hormone (sex and stress), RBCs and cholesterol production.

Deficiency Symptoms: Burning feet, Fatigue, Insomnia Irritability Depression

Food Sources: Common food sources are meat, eggs, milk, avocado, broccoli, mushrooms, poultry, potatoes, and legumes.

B6 (Pyridoxine) Health Benefits

It helps in the storage of protein and carbohydrates from food, amino acid metabolism, red blood cell production. Required for the immune function and brain function.

Deficiency Symptoms: Irritability, Depression, Nervousness, Difficulty in concentration, Muscle weakness

Food Sources: Common food sources are chickpeas, beef, chicken breast, turkey, tuna, salmon, potatoes, fruits

B7 (biotin): Health Benefits

It helps in fats, carbohydrates, and protein metabolism. Required for bone growth and hair health

Deficiency Symptoms: Skin rashes, Brittle nails, Hair thinning, hair fall, Muscle pain

Food Sources: Common food sources are beef, pork, egg yolk, sunflower seeds, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, and almonds.

Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex For Skin Hair And Health

B9 (Folate) Health Benefits

It’s needed for cell growth, amino acid metabolism, Reduces the risk of birth defects (brain and spine such as spina bifida).

Deficiency Symptoms: Loss of appetite, Gingivitis, Diarrhea, Tongue inflammation, Poor growth.

Food Sources: Common food sources are spinach, broccoli, beans and legumes, orange juice, peanuts, avocado, dark leafy greens, and salmon.

B12 (Cobalamin) Health Benefits:

Help in the neurological function, of red blood cells and DNA formation and helps in protein metabolism

Deficiency Symptoms:  Weakness, Lack of appetite, Weight loss, anemia (megaloblastic anemia) Numbness and tingling in the fingers and toes.

Food Sources: Common food sources are animal foods, such as shellfish, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

8 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex For Skin Hair And Health #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. Thank you! While I did know about vitamin B complex you have elaborated it really well. Im adding it consciously to my diet.

  2. Thank you for sharing such a helpful post. Didn’t know tha Vitamin B had so many health benefits

  3. Mera utrus n ek overy remove hai to mujhe to waise bhi supplements lene hotey hain, try karti hu ki natural sources hi lu, per kai baar mushkil ho jaata hai to tables n capsules lene hi padte hain
    Kya aap B complex k liye koi accha tablet recommend kariyega?

  4. I did read about Vitamin B in school but we tend to forget its importance. Your post reminded me I will try to take a Vit B rich diet.

  5. Vitamin B is one of the most important nutrients that our body needs. Deficiency of this important vitamin can lead to so many complications. It is so neccessary to incorporate a dietwhich is rich in this vitamin on a regular basis.

  6. Vitamin B and it’s variants are so valuable for the body … Didn’t know a few of them. Thanks for sharing.

  7. We have been hearing that Vitamins are necessary for our body but didn’t had enough information about sources. This is so useful.

Love to hear from you :)

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