Friday, May 03, 2024
Is Bleeding During Pregnancy Normal?
Health Pregnancy Guide

Is Bleeding During Pregnancy Normal? #BlogchatterA2Z

Bleeding during pregnancy is common, most often it is normal and sometimes it might be serious. It’s important to rule out the cause of bleeding or spotting. So you must consult your Doctor right away to make sure you and your baby are healthy.

What Causes Bleeding During Pregnancy?

Bleeding During the First trimester

In 20% of cases, women have bleeding during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding: The spotting within the first 15 days after you conceive is because of the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. It’s absolutely normal.

Miscarriage. It’s very common in the first trimester of pregnancy so if bleeding occurs it automatically raises concern. The bleeding doesn’t confirm a miscarriage if the pulsation of the fetus is seen in the ultrasound scan.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus that is a fallopian tube.

Molar pregnancy is a rare condition where abnormal tissue growth inside uterus instead of the baby.

Threatened miscarriage occurs when bleeding and cramping are notices.

Bleeding During the Second trimester

Placenta previa occurs when the placenta covers the cervix partially or fully.

Placental abruption occurs when the placenta separates from the uterine wall in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Preterm labor occurs mostly after the mid of second trimester, following by signs of labor.

Bleeding During the Third trimester

The bleeding in the third trimester mostly occurs which may indicate the start of labor.

Bleeding Anytime during pregnancy

  • Sex during pregnancy may cause bleeding
  • Per vaginal examination may also cause bleeding.
  • Vaginal or cervix Infection may cause bleeding.

Is spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is normal?

Spotting during the first trimester is mostly normal but still one should consult the doctor. Bleeding during the first trimester may be abnormal and one should consult the doctor right away. Bleeding during the second or third trimester should be immediately reported to the doctor. However, In 50% caese of bleeding during pregnancy, a woman has delivered a healthy baby.

Management of spotting or bleeding

Whether it’s spotting or bleeding, one should consult the doctor. After examination and ultrasound scan they may rule out the cause of bleeding and advice accordingly.


Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

17 thoughts on “Is Bleeding During Pregnancy Normal? #BlogchatterA2Z

  1. I experienced bleeding twice during my first pregnancy and I remember how it was snowballed into a big issue putting me to bed rest for the entire duration of my pregnancy. This post gives some clear picture of the issue.

  2. I have experienced bleeding in my first Pregnancy during the first trimester but since my ob/gym explained about implantation blessing so I wasn’t very concerned. But blessing during pregnancy can easily put any expectant mom under stress…

  3. Bleeding during pregnancy is such stressful thing. I had multiple miscarriage and during my pregnancy I was scared to death during first trimester bleeding.

  4. In my second pregnancy I got bleeding in 1st month and it depends on various factors why that happens as you explained…this is really going to help new to be mommies!!

  5. I have heard a lot of people who have a little bleeding but i always tell them to consult a doctor because i wouldn’t know the intensity of the blood fall. Thanks for the information. Will pin this on pinterest too.

  6. I think spotting is normal in the initial trimester but bleeding is not normal so as you mentioned one should consult with the doctor.

  7. I have seen a lot of moms getting tensed if they bleed during pregnency. This post will provide the right information to those.

  8. i always thought bleeding was bad during pregnancy. This post is so informative and important for women all over. There is lot of wrong information around the internet about this.

  9. we all have so many questions about bleeding during pregnancy. I had spotting during my second pregnancy, and i was so scred. there is a lot of unhelpful information in the internet, yours is a ver comprehensive post on bleeding during pregnancy

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