Saturday, September 21, 2024
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JOURNEY #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Week 2

Hey !!!

Welcome at ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge 🙂

We are giving you chance to bring new vibes in your blogging. Join  ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Over All About The Woman & Slim Expectations blog

Interpret themes in a unique way, & let the #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Begin !!!


Read #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Week 1 – New Horizon Top Three entries 

Shalini , Mayuri , NP Reads 




ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Week 2 Prompt


Get the jump on your JOURNEY in this week’s #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge.

This week, we’re challenging you to look back at your life journey till now. And tell us what you feel about getting out of your comfort zone, details the changes you have been through, How Good makes you Confident and bad makes you strong. Relive the unforgettable moments of your Life’s Journey.

Interpret your Journey that’s close to your heart. take up the #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge that will push you and notice the minute details of your life.


Through Journey of life

Preserve all the happiness

SailBoat Through tides


I’m Woman of Pride



RULES OF THE ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge

1. Follow Us :

  • Slim Expectations blog Twitter &  Instagram Respectively.
  • All About The Woman Blog on Twitter & Instagram Respectively

      2. You will be given a prompt every week. Based on that prompt, you have to interpret in any

          of the given below forms :

       a)140 characters also known as #Microblogging

 (It can be in a form of poetry, quote or just a normal write up)


         b) 250-300 Words

         c) You are also required to add a picture related to the theme.

         3. Link Up your post with Dew & Zainab

         4. Prompts will be announced every Sunday 20:00 hrs IST.

         5. We would love & thankful if you Subscribe to our Blog

         6. Read, comment, share on host and co-hosts posts and as many posts in the Linky.

         7. Use #ClickandBlogAStory in your post &  Put #ClickandBlogAStory Badge on your Blog or Post.

         8. Share your post on Instagram Tagging us & Using Hashtag #ClickandBlogAStory

         9. Every week we will have one featured blogger who is the best among all & will get a chance to hold linky challenge with us.


Grab the Badge


#ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge. with Dew & Zainab The link will be open till Sunday 23:55hrs IST. Read, comment, share on host & co-host posts and read as many in the linky!



Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

17 thoughts on “JOURNEY #ClickandBlogAStory Linky Challenge Week 2

  1. sounds like you are having a fabulous time connecting with so many bloggers. clearly you are never going to run out inspiration to blog , like I do so often.
    Good to see you so inspired and excited .. you certainly are a fabulous accomplished woman Bushra!

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