Saturday, September 21, 2024
My Diary

I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter


There was the day when I had started up my blog but I have no idea how to increase traffic on my blog. Once on Twitter, my pal tags me on BLOGCHATTEto& I followed them  I’m. While visiting their Tl I come across their pinned tweet ” TAKE YOUR BLOG TO NEXT LEVEL WITH MY FRIEND ALEXA”
To be very true I have no idea about this campaign.I thought this was some promotional campaign but at the same time when the word comes blog to next level I get registered myself at BLOGCHATTER website & applied for the My Friend ALEXA Campaign 🙂
As days pass I forget about this campaign, surprisingly on one day I got email form BLOGCHATTER team explaining about this campaign & to reply soon yes or no according to my interest in this campaign so that they can take this further. I replied yes I am interested
& my journey to take my blog to next level with BLOGCHATTER started plotting up & BLOGCHATTER come as an angel of my life
On 31 August 2016, I got detailed email about campaign 🙂
1. The campaign will run for 1month divided into 4weeks activities 🙂
2. We have to download ALEXA app on our PC or Lappy
3. We have to write two blogs every week with & link them up on BLOGCHATTER website as well as share on social platform with #MyFriendAlex
4. We have to read 4 blogs a day for 30 days & share them up on our social platform with our unique hashtag (mine is #DewFlavours )
Now starting with ALEXA app downloading I have 18,586,175 Global ranks (No rank in India ) on my first day, but as BLOGCHATTER team says that I will get in few days.I wrote 6 blogs & link them up.You can find them here ( Looking for valuable reviews )
2.Dates and Diabetes – New candy for Diabetics!!
3.Spicy Choley Recipe
5.  Walking Alone Walking Dead!!!
6.I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter
In addition I read around 63 blogs & shares around 120+ post ? & come across SEO campaign on BLOGCHATTER & getting drastic fall in my ALEXA rank plus got India rank also 🙂
My ALEXA rank graph goes like this:
    Date                             Global rank        India rank
1sep’16                            18,586,175           no rank
5 sep’16                           5,205,793            209,867
10 sep’16                         3,839,793            151,529
15 sep’16                         2,424,661             92,454
18 sep’16                          1,754,225            65,417
19sep’16                          1,636,095             60,588
Right now BLOGCHATTER give us SEO task to upgrade up our blog so that it gets noticed by the world 🙂
From the core of my heart I thanks my angel BLOGCHATTER coz of them my blog gets recognized & comes alive 🙂 last but not the least special thanks to my fellow bloggers who played important role in taking my blog to next level 🙂  their support & love gives me encouragement & motivation XOXO to all of you <3
Feeling blessed to be part of my friend ALEXA campaign

I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blog chatter

I have a Global rank of 18,586,175 on 1 SEP ‘ 16. Over the course of this month, I shall be blogging at least twice a week and my special hashtag for this is #DewFlavours

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

19 thoughts on “I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter

  1. So heartening to see plans being meticulously followed through and results being achieved .. what a fabulous journey it has been esp with all of us discovering interesting bloggers and developing this priceless habit of reading , commenting and sharing almost as a habit..
    all the best – you are making so much progress .. and for a ‘chef’ you’d know , nothing tastes as good as success !!

  2. wow look at your progress!! brilliant 😀 I am so glad I took part in this campaign 🙂
    Hope you go higher and higher… oops probably lower and lower in this case 🙂

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