Saturday, May 04, 2024
Lifestyle My Diary

The Jug of life

Who’s Your Jug?

The Jug of life refers to the mutual relationship of affection, trust, cooperation, and support between two or more individuals. We all have The one person in our life who’s presence secure us. Who takes away all your tensions and let us smile in hard times. Who never let us down. The one person who’s a great listener and can listen all our nonsense with smiling face and open heart. The very one person we called the JUG of life

Who is The Jug of Life !!

I met the JUG of life on 2nd August, the day I born. Despite different personalities, We share a special bonding. He’s none other than my father. My JUG is the very good listener. He is there for me 24*7. He’s a perfect guide for me.

We are best buddies, we laugh together, we cry together and we fly together. 

Whenever I got stuck or feel down he motivates me. He gives importance to my views and support in my career. He never complains if I am late for work. He works very hard to make our life comfortable. We do have a fight but that never last long more than an hour. He never ignores my wishes, no matter how busy he’s.

His presence makes me feel secure, confident and moreover happy. My Jug makes each moment of my life special. I’m lucky to have Jug in my life. I want thanks to my Jug for being there for me.

What’s the role of Jug in One’s life?

The Jug play important role in our life. The jug is vital to living life to its maximum. We can spend delightful moments with our Jug.

JUG’s presence secure us, brings confidence and positive motivation.
The jug is the perfect guide to enlighten one’s life.
The jug is the ultimate listener. the only one who can listen to our nonsense happily.
Jug brings happy surprises.
Jug gives the best moments to cherish lifelong.

Someone has rightly said “walking with the Jug aka friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”

Did you have met the Jug of life ? 

If your answer is yes then you are the lucky one. But if the answer is No, I’m sure you’ll find him/her someday very soon. Don’t panic, instead, wait for the time to get rewarded by God.
Looking forward to yours The Jug stories. Do share 🙂


am writing about Jug in my life for the #DearZindagi activity at BlogAdda“.


Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

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