Friday, September 20, 2024
Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden
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Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

To make plants healthy and boost their growth it’s important to give them fertilizers from time to time. The inorganic fertilizers available in the market have 2 drawbacks. First, it’s costly, and second, it contains chemicals that are harmful to plants. 

Hence it’s better to use a homemade liquid fertilizer that can be easily made from your kitchen waste. They are 100% organic, cost-efficient, and chemical-free. It’s an eco-friendly way of disposing of your kitchen waste.

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden:

1. Used Tea Fertilizer:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

If you want rose plants and other leafy plants to bloom then used tea fertilizer comes in handy. You can use it directly on rose plants. . You can use this fertilizer on other plants as well for example money plants or other leafy plants. 

How to prepare: Wash the used tea with water so the extra materials like milk, sugar, etc get removed. Allow it to dry. Take 1ltr of water in a vessel. Add dried used tea to this water and mix well. Let it dissolve for at least 24 hours. You will notice that water gets tea stains. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by adding directly to the plants. Results will come after 15 days and the plants will start blooming

2. Banana Peel Fertilizers:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

If you love flowering plants and want your plants to bloom every day, then use banana peel fertilizers. You can use it in any flowering plants especially hibiscus and rose plants. Banana is a good source of potassium which promotes flower growth. It is a good source of organic potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and sulfur for plants. 

How to prepare: It is very easy to prepare. You can use a dry or wet banana peel. Take 1ltr of water in a vessel. Add banana peel to this water and mix well. Let it dissolve for at least 2-3 days. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by adding directly to the plants or diluting in a 2:3 ratio. 

3. Egg Shell Fertilizers:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

Eggshells are a good source of calcium. This fertilizer will provide calcium along with other nutrients to plants. It is good for plants like bougainvillea and adenium. 

How to prepare: Take eggshells and crush them. Take 1ltr of water in a vessel. Add eggshells to this water and mix well. Let it dissolve for at least 2-3 days. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by adding directly to the plants.

4. Cow Dung Fertilizers:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

If you love to grow vegetables then this fertilizer will boost their growth. This is the strongest fertilizer and used popularly. You can use it any season except in the hot summer season. Good for flowering plants, herbs, vegetables, etc.

How to prepare: Take dry or fully decomposed cow dung cake and crush them. Take 1ltr of water in a vessel. Add cow dung to this water and mix well. Let it dissolve for at least 24 hours. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by adding directly to the plants. 

5. Onion Peel fertilizers:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

This fertilizer is a good source of micronutrients for the plants. Like phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, etc. 

How to prepare: Take onion peels, add them to water. Let it dissolve for at least 24 hours. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by adding directly to the plants. 

6 Mustard Cake Fertilizer:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

This fertilizer enhances the colors of your croton plant, indoor or outdoor plants, increases flowering.

How to prepare: Take mustard cake, add them to water. Let it dissolve for at least 24 hours. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by adding directly to the plants.

7. Coffee Ground Fertilizer:

Coffee is acidic. Hence, you can use it in all acid-loving plants. Like a rose, tomato, jasmine, etc. 

How to prepare: Take the remaining filter coffee and add them to water. Let it dissolve for at least 1 week. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by diluting 1 mug in 1 liter of water. 

8. Green Leaf Fertilizer:

Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

This fertilizer is a good source of nitrogen for all plants and helps them thrive. It will act as an insecticide and use by spraying on plant leaves. 

How to prepare: Collect all the green leaves of your garden especially neem leaves and add them to water. Let it dissolve for at least 1 week. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by diluting 1 mug in 1 liter of water. 

9. Wood ash or cow dung ash Fertilizers:

This fertilizer is a good source of carbon, calcium, and nitrogen. This fertilizer removes any kind of fungus from the plants. 

How to prepare: It can be prepared by burning wood or cow dung. Use it by directly sprinkling on the plants. 

10 Vegetable scraps and other kitchen waste are good sources of micronutrients for the plants. 

How to prepare: It is very easy to prepare. Take 1ltr of water in a vessel. Add vegetable scraps and other kitchen waste to this water and mix well. Let it dissolve for at least 24 hours. You will notice that water changes its color. Strain it using a strainer. Now it’s ready to use. You can use it by diluting 1 mug in 1 liter of water.

‘This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter’

Dr Bushra

Health, Parenting, Lifestyle Blogger

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Fertilizer From Kitchen Waste For Your Garden

  1. Wow, this was so required. Summers days are here again and I am all set to renovate my patio garden, So looking for some home tips to grow my small garden and here your post came so rightly! Thank you for sharing useful tips!

  2. These are some easy ways to create fertilizers. I was only aware of tea and the rest of them were new to me. Shall try it out with banana peels.

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